Journal de Chestnut63, 02 juil. 21

No bread or eggs in the house until the milkmans next delivery so I had to break from my normal breakfast routine of boiled eggs and go for bulberries smothered in natural youghart!

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Off for my walk now will log back on later 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63
Off for my walk now will log back on later 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63
Don’t forget the eggs 🤪 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Paula Vieira.
And missy s food 😋 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: miss.bastet
Walked completed and shopping done. Paula got some eggs for breakfast tomorrow and Tan bought some food for Misty she is as happy as Larry sitting on her favourite kipping as normal! Time to sit and watch some racing and get ready for the footy. 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63
I call those happy accidents. so tasty.  
02 juil. 21 par le membre: HeBrewZ
Thanks Herbrews the most important think was to get Misty her food ! So the shopping enabled me to get some steps in ! 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63
Yes! She's a queenie. Miss my queen 😭my boy makes sure I don't sleep in tho today he decided 4 am was a good hour to wake up 🤣 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: miss.bastet
Tan yours looks very pretty , mine also wakes me up in the morning demanding feeding 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63
I just kicked him out and he had to go to sleep .. only fed him after 8 😁 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: miss.bastet
Mine links my ear until I get up 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63
Really? Odd lady.... Mine either purrs loud, jumps on my back from the wardrobe ( in deep sleep I don't notice!🤣) or scratches the corner of the carpet to get me up ... Usually the latter works but I only take him out of room , if it's too early still  
02 juil. 21 par le membre: miss.bastet
To be honest Tan I think I spoil her it is their look in the eyes . I spotted the autocorrect it changed licks to links! How old is yours? 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63
He's just turned one sometime in June.. I got him in August so he's like the queen with 2 bdays. Will try either tomorrow or next day get his free treats in pets at home! this boy is spoilt rotten.. got premium food and I honestly can say it smells good! hahaha he eats better than me I swear 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: miss.bastet
Only a kitty now wonder he looks so sweet. We love our furr balls and people with pets are nicer and calmer people. 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63
He's a proud, very "vain" boy (he loves his fancy collars and to look at himself in mirror☺️) a very affectionate kitty from the start. Very lucky to have such a sweet boy ☺️ 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: miss.bastet
He is lucky to have someone like you to look after him and buy him treats and collars that make him look handsome. 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63
I like to think that 😊. My mum already is content about me not wanting to give her grandkids (I have a younger brother so it's fine 😁) . She loves my kitty like her own so it's all good 😍 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: miss.bastet
Tan your life is yours to life how you want to and mothers will understand as long you appreciate that is her that bought into this world and without her you wouldn't be here to enjoy it. 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63
my typing is dreadful so many grammatical mistakes who cares? 
02 juil. 21 par le membre: Chestnut63


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