Journal de jsfantome, 29 août 11

Well - the latest concensus from some FS pm's I have rec'd - is that I am obsessed. No I am not! But OK, what if I were? So What?!? What's it to ya?

I have never asked anyone else to live my life. Nor ever expected anyone else to do what I do. If I want to spend my time reading articles, or posting on people's journals, or commenting on hcg, or exercise posts, or whatever... SO WHAT!

My goals, are exactly that... MINE! And I will not change them, or answer to ... anyone about what they are, and why they are, and I certainly am not going to give them up or change them, because some random stranger sends me a private message telling me I should!

Just getting that off my chest... :)

So, how was your weekend? Did you do ANYTHING this weekend to help you further your goals?

I read (and posted) and article all about how to blend a low carb way of eating - with a higher energy level workout. (been feeling a bit like what the cat dragged in!)

Basically, there are certain supplements that aid your body in processing protein (so it doesn't get stored as fat) - and certain supplements that aid in the 'fat burning process' all together. Already eating a lower carb lifestyle - my energy can dip and bottom out while I am at the gym, and I don't not want to eat higher carb foods to replenish the stored sugars in my system.

This article was rather interesting to me. Some very good explanations from a 'bodybuilder's' perspective... some good details about what each of these supplements do... and how they interact w/ your eating plan and your exercise plan, etc.

Take it for what it's worth to you... perhaps you don't want to - or may never want to use these types of vitamins or supplements. That's your choice!

As for me and my body... I choose to whatever the heck I want to! :)

So what did you do with your weekend??? (she asks again!)

Find any new info regarding your way of eating? Review or renew your goals perhaps? Set yourself up for a successful week?

I can't afford to spend every week doing damage control to a rather sloppy weekend... so this past weekend was ON TARGET!

p.s...and btw - rather personal - but I have not weighed in yet, as I unexpectedly started my TOM last Friday... thought it was just gonna be spotting etc, but turned out to be a full fledged event! I will wait until next weekend to weigh in here. But still... remaining hopeful that all things will come together and begin to work in the downward direction.

p.s.s... if I am too intense for some of you... feel free to remove me from your buddy's list... because I have no intentions of changing who I am for anyone! Much Love.

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You are doing just fine,many out here need you and those that don't ,don't matter. 
29 août 11 par le membre: 83JEN
I don't think you are obsessed AT ALL. I personally feel that the ones that send out those PMs are the ones that haven't figured it out yet. They are jealous of people who ARE DOING IT and they wish it was them. You are HELPFULL and informative. I appreciate everything you post in your journal and the comments you leave for me and everyone else. You are doing what's right FOR YOU and NO ONE has the right to tell you differently. I get stupid PMs ALL THE TIME from people telling me this or that. You are SUCH an asset to this community Paula. Screw the haters. Sorry for the bluntness. =) 
29 août 11 par le membre: HerStrawberri
I don't think you are obsessed...because you have never said a THING to Do your thing...... I think you might have lost a pound with 'getting it off your chest'  
29 août 11 par le membre: maylane
I'm grateful you are on here. I can't say you are obsessive, that would be the pot calling the kettle black for me. What did I do this weekend? Rode out a hurricane and watched my house become water damaged. Ate badly out of nervousness and depression over all the bad things that have happened to me over the last two weeks. Funny thing is, even though I told myself to eat whatever I want w/o guilt I still wound up eating a very healthy dinner last night, because I actually wanted it. I cheated on Atkins for 3 days, but each day i also managed to eat veggies and somewhat healthy. I'm also glad to realize my memory isn't so bad, the only day I can't recall what I ate was dinner on Friday.  
29 août 11 par le membre: icymaiden
Obsessive? No. I think that all of us here are focused on one key thing: getting and staying healthy. It is all about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If being concerned about that strikes somebody as "obsessive" perhaps they're jealous. I don't know about "fat burners". I'm suspicious of anything that has the odour of "patent medicine". My own feeling is that if you're low on energy, you might want to change the mix of foods so that you have more fruit and less complex carbohydrates in your diet. 
29 août 11 par le membre: Fledgist
Bravo Paula, don't ever change my wouldn't be you if you did I for one love the "obsessivenes" they call it..the reason who ever said anything at all is they are jealous of the way you handle your own life with Pffff on the ones that try to give you a hard time..and hey you who jumped on paula you can PM me if you want..but only if you want to get a ear full from me...I don't like people who judge others for doing their thing..its wrong...Love ya Paula....Bren 
29 août 11 par le membre: BHA
Maylane "you might have lost a pound with 'getting it off your chest'" LOL!!! I just might have!!! Back from the gym... great workout! Thanks for the loving support of you all...much appreciated! OH, and Fledgist - I don't take over the counter fat burners, or carb blockers, or any of that stuff. But if taking digestive enzymes or casein protein will help me... I don't see an issue with it. 
29 août 11 par le membre: jsfantome
Wouldn't want you to change a bit. I personally love your tips and information. Saves me from having to do alot of research and since I don't always know what to research you are a God-send. You have overcome many challenges in your life. From what little I really know about you, you have given, given, and given to others. This is your do what is ever BEST for you...afterall, you deserve it. I, like many others, have your back and frankly, am glad to have you in my corner. Gwen 
29 août 11 par le membre: 2227Gwen
Don't let anyone get to you, that's not like you Paula. You are who you are and we who are your buddies benefit so much from all your reading and thinking etc. Saves me a bundle of time - lol. Seriously, Paula, I wouldn't change you for anything. Some people are very small minded. I wouldn't be here, now, today, if you hadn't given me some tough love recently. I was ready for jacking it all in. So thanks to you I am back, and doing well, and happy. So don't change. Much love.  
29 août 11 par le membre: sarahsmum
Paula, I would like to say a big thank you for all your tips and information, the more information we all have the easier it makes our journey of getting fit and healthy. I really don't understand someone even bothering about whether you obsess or not isn't that up to you (I don't think you do) if you do I do as well. I just love to learn.....never hurts anyone, have to exercise the brain just as much as the body. Keep up the good work and obsess all you like LOL........Keep sharing.....Love and Hugs!!! 
29 août 11 par le membre: Yvonne19
Hey guys - I think the person who pm'd me recently (which it certainly isn't the first...but whatever!) - read stuff I wrote on other peoples journals. And that is the thing... when you don't know the ins and outs of someone's stuff... when you're not looking at the details, you can easily misunderstand where someone is coming from. They seemed to think I spend waaaaay too much time focused on myself...and trying to turn everyone here on FS into 'mini-me's'. That being said, I have never been made to feel that way by any of you. By anyone who has been my buddy, or even by anyone I actually put info on their journals! So I am guessing and it's only a guess... that they just came across one of those 'tough love' moments or something...and just didn't fully understand. I have been open. And verbal. And direct. But why the hell not? Seriously - how much of your time and life are you willing to waste if someone has some valuable piece of information that could somehow help you??? We need to be helping each other. You guys help me all the time!!! All the time!!! and I mean that. I wouldn't keep coming back here almost every day, if it wasn't equally as valuable to me! So onward... and downward! 
29 août 11 par le membre: jsfantome
Paula - bravo for you ! If you don't stick up for yourself, nobody else will do it for you :) Keep hangin in there lady :) 
29 août 11 par le membre: notfast
Paula-No need to change the real you! Love ya just the way you are, a great motivator, keeping us on our toes or at least giving us things to think about. I do alot of research on my own as well but for those who don't have the time or wherewithall to do it, you stuff is a great assist. Doesn't mean all is for everyone but take bits and pieces if they apply. Yes, I can believe someone has PM'd you as same had happened to me recently you know. PLEASE keep being YOU!! 
29 août 11 par le membre: HealthyBabs
LOVE YOU! and your spirit and your energy and your thoughtfulness and your friendship. LOVE YOU! 'nuff said :) 
29 août 11 par le membre: sophie99
Spend too much time focused on yourself? Isn't that the whole point of being here? Didn't most of us spend most of our time focusing on everything but ourselves and health and that is why we are here to begin with? Why we are overweight to begin with? I've spent years and years focusing on everyone BUT myself, so we have every right to be selfish and focus on OURSELVES for a change.  
29 août 11 par le membre: icymaiden
After catching sight of your journal, I went to have a look at the article you posted. Really interesting, I always believe the more information you can "digest" from different sources. The more able you are to make educated decisions, on your "lifestyle" choices. Obsessive? No, not in the least, you are reading and posting information that may be beneficial to yourself and others, in ensuring you and fit and healthy. I say to the person who sent you the pm, if you don't agree with it, or like it, then bloody well don't read it. 
29 août 11 par le membre: Sk1nnyfuture
I'd say the one who is obsessive is the person who PM'd you! You're perfect just the way you are.....or you wouldn't be on my buddy list, dontcha know! LOL!! Have a great PM-free day! 
29 août 11 par le membre: Sandy701
Hey, I like you very much just the way you are! As a suggestion only, maybe your buddy list needs a trimming? So - to answer your twice asked question...I did a 5 mile run Saturday morning @ 6am as part of my own personal create new healthy habits challenge. PS - thanks for reminding me of the info you posted, as I didn't have time to read it last week, I was & still am very interested in supplements suitable for LC & excercise! Maybe I am obsessing over it even...LOL! FYI - Every now & then I loan out my custom made teflon suit...if a friend is in need I share really well! 
29 août 11 par le membre: gg-girl
Big virtual hugs to ya, Paula. Keep on keepin' on.... 
29 août 11 par le membre: bcbloyd
thanks so much you guys! you are awesome :) And I so appreciate your support! Ended up having a great day... well, an interesting day... but I am working on tomorrow's journal regarding all of that. It was a day of reflection.  
29 août 11 par le membre: jsfantome


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