Journal de jsfantome, 04 févr. 12

As usual, been doing some reading, and that's always interesting to see where my head end's up by the time I'm done. What makes someone successful at 'dieting' or 'what keeps them motivated'. The psychology of our attitudes...requires an action component.

If you have, like I have - tried to lose but been knocked down by plateaus (which every single body on the planet goes thru whether aware of or not), or even gone off on a planned indulgence, or fluttered around with maybe I'll try this... or maybe I'll try that... and feel like in the end you are spinning your wheels, it is very likely what has us held back is ... our thoughts.

It's not the task of losing weight, or getting into shape - that's defeating me... it's my perception of it. I've let it get 'enormous'. But if I am truly going to win this war, I am going to have to do it... just as I did in the beginning... one pound at a time. One step at a time.

Regardless of my motivation, or my will power - WITHOUT a PLAN, and without taking the ACTION STEPS of working my PLAN ... I will go nowhere.

Somehow I need to find the learning center of my brain, REVIEW the details of my plan faithfully, and execute that which I have committed to - daily.

I've learned some fantastic things over the many months I've been engaged in this process.
I've learned I don't need to count calories.
Exercise is good for me, but a rather ineffective way to lose weight. (ever heard the expression you can't out train a bad 'diet').
The quality of my 'eating habits' and 'food choices' outweight anything else going on in my system.
Fat does not make me fat.
While I do need a certain amount of determination (which I have) I don't need the same 'willpower' as I used to because I have changed to a whole, healthy foods (naturally lower carb) way of eating.
I don't need carbs for Energy. The body makes glucose from fat (triglycerides) and from certain amino acids (the building blocks of protein.)

I firmly believe that Carbs send my (and yours) primary fat STORING hormone, insulin - into overdrive. When you eat too many you basically are flipping the switch to the OFF position from the on position of STORING.

If your number one goal is to get the fat off you.. then in my opinion your eating plan will need to control INSULIN. It is basically running the show on the inside of your body!


So I am sitting here and writing all of this, and it occurs to me that when I was at my heaviest, and when I was grieving the loss of my Dad, I just wanted to make sure I never ended up like him. That I never ended up dying a painful and debilitating death from Diabetes, and all the misinformation they pushed on him. I've come a long way - DAD! I sure am learning!!


So - what's your plan? Literally - WHAT PLAN are you FOLLOWING? If it is your own... than I challenge you to WRITE IT OUT. Calories, carbs, proteins, whatever... In order to follow your plan, you have to have one! (not just some thoughts in your head about what you think nutrition is or isn't.)

Based on the details of your plan, develop an ACTION part of the plan - where you outline what you will choose to eat.

(then review these choices for how they will impact your Insulin production - and if they will turn off your fat burning switch!) If they create too many carbs in your system for the day... then swap them out for a few other 'healthy' choices, and see what you end up with.

If you follow your plan, and at the end of a week or two... you are not losing... you need to look more closely at how your INSULIN is being impacted by your food choices. Basically, you likely need to lower your carbs.

That might only need to be swapping out some 'processed' choices, for fresh veggies, or berries, or an apple.

But you need to continue to review this REVIEW PHASE til you find the amount of carbs your body can eat - AND - the Insulin production will keep you in the FAT BURNING MODE for your system.

THEN YOU NEED TO ACT on your PLAN! Go for it!!! What do you have to lose...except the weight!

Love you much - and just know these are the opinions of a rambling mother of 3... not a dr, or a nutritionist, just a 48 yr old woman, trying to learn all she can about how this all really works, so I can live with it!

Much Love.

Morning Paula...funny you should say all DH was talking to a friend of his and his friend was telling him how he and his wife was eating less carbs which meant no bread and little debbie cakes etc.. So DH was telling him I had lost a bunch while cutting back on my carbs as well..My question is why does DH listen to others and not me...just like when I wanted him to see about his sleep apnea..I begged and pleaded for years and until his cousin told him he needed to see about it as they slept in the same room while on their motorcycle trip..that he quit breathing and snored loud enough to wake the dead...Its like my opinion means nothing..but let someone else tell him the same thing and boom..he starts thinking the same way...very frustrating to say the I quit trying to give him hints as thats all I can do...he is a strong willed person and if its not his idea then its not happening..LOL...I alos have to put my foot down on the food pushing.. He the one that says..awww you can eat that little bit thats left..don't want to throw it away...I say yeah if you don't want it and I don't need it as I am full..then yeah we throw it away.. its an up hill battle but I am getting better with the little word called...NO I know that when we get older that some people can become diabetic..its just in the cards..I have two uncles that are now on insulin but never had a problem in their father passed when I was 1 1/2 years old from not taking care of himself because of diabetese..So sorry did not mean to take up your space...But thanks for rambling thoughts..I always love to read your informative..Love ya....:O) 
04 févr. 12 par le membre: BHA
Bren - make no apologies my friend, you can move into my journal if you want to!!! ;) As for the hubby... outsmart him! Go to other people in his life... and plant the seeds. And keep watering them, until one of THEM introduces a thought to your hubby that he will embrace and make his own! (who cares really.. how he comes to the choice to do more for himself to be healthy... but THAT he eventually chooses good healthy things for himself!) So make it a secret mission of yours to find ways to plant and water ... with everyone your husband knows! That's what I would do! ;) Actually, I might just be married to your hubby's twin.. because that's what I have HAD to do to reach my own guy! Sometimes we are just too close to really be able to make an impact. He sees my strengths and my weaknesses. He hears me - all the time... I think he's deaf from hearing me LOL! Love YOU TOO! 
04 févr. 12 par le membre: jsfantome
See I knew I could get great advice from you..Your a gem..:O) 
04 févr. 12 par le membre: BHA
Thank you for all your insightful information. 
04 févr. 12 par le membre: petuniak
Great journal Jsfantome.... As usual, you have made me think... And assess my own eating habits.  
04 févr. 12 par le membre: Sk1nnyfuture
Like the way you have everything listed in a nice logical format. My big difference is that I do have to limit my calories or I could eat myself into oblivion, one low carb pork chop at a time.  
04 févr. 12 par le membre: BuffyBear
Paula, you teach some great things in your writing. :) I love reading it. It definitely makes me think about how I've been structuring my diet/exercise goals. Thank you! Also, I'm sure I can find more information about insulin but can you tell me how to track mine?  
04 févr. 12 par le membre: just.keep.swimming
jks - first look at your carb intake - and whether you are losing, staying the same or gaining? Next, look at the sources of your carb intake. If you are not losing, but want to... then evaluating the quality of your carbs.. and the amount of them is going to be your key. Let's say right now you are eating 100-150g's carbs/day, from sources that are pretty good, but not BEST. Try reducing both the amount of say 80g's consistently - and the quality of veggies!!! (remove some of the worst offenders: potatoes, rice, pasta, cereal, bread, sugar, alcohol, lowfat dairy, fruit (if you have more than 15 lbs to lose.) If at the end of two weeks you start losing 1-2 lbs a week - great! Your insulin is now working on your fat burning side. But you might have to tweek it down a little further... to only 50g's of healthy carbs to be losing. Don't worry you get to work this number back up w/ some additional healthy choices over time, but the initial goal was to get insulin under control so you BURN FAT and lose. Make sense??? Would you like me to look at your menus to see if I can be more specific? I'd be happy to try to help you if that's what you'd like. 
04 févr. 12 par le membre: jsfantome
petuniak, buffy, skinny, jks - you're all most welcome! hoping we are all learning together ;) Just moving this train forward!!! 
04 févr. 12 par le membre: jsfantome
Paula, it really is a constant game of wits, isn't it? Continual tweaking, always trying to figure out if the amounts will be the amounts that we need to lose or maintain. It can drive a person to distraction. Someday I would really love to not have to work so much at this, but I know what happens when I just let it slide...the last 5 months of 2011 was a perfect example. I do so well when I take the time to really think about what I am eating and make the choices that are healthiest for me. Bren, I quit trying to talk hubby into eating like I do. He finally decided on his own. Now we are both low carb (he gets more than me, as he is not as sensitive to the effects), and happy with it. He told me last night that he was amazed at how terrible the sugars made him feel over Christmas, and how much better he feels when he doesn't eat those carbs...YAY, finally he gets it! lol 
04 févr. 12 par le membre: ctlss
I'm reading a book about metabolism right now and it's phenomenal how many hormones are involved in the weight loss equation- insulin is just one of many. Estrogen and testosterone, growth hormone, adrenaline, leptin....they all play a role. It's the side of weight loss we don't really think about much but maybe we should. Have you ever consulted with an endochrinologist? That might help you to identify anything else that's out of whack.  
04 févr. 12 par le membre: gnat824
Stef - it sure is! But I would rather be doing this... trying to live a more healthy lifestyle and reach my goals.. than the alternative of giving up and climbing back in the wrong direction! I still have to eat, and grocery shop, still go out to restaurants, etc... so the only REAL difference is thinking about my choices! And following my plan! 
04 févr. 12 par le membre: jsfantome
Nat - no I haven't..but I should. I too have been reading about the various hormones, and inflammation, and all kinds of good stuff... and how it all impacts each other! ;) But for simplicity sake, starting with getting rid of the worst offenders to the Insulin spikes can't hurt!!! 
04 févr. 12 par le membre: jsfantome
So would I Paula, so would I! When I think back to how I felt at almost 260 pounds.....YIKES! 
04 févr. 12 par le membre: ctlss


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