Rejoint avril 2013
Historique de Poids

Poids Initial
60,8 kg
Perdu jusqu'à présent: 8,4 kg

Poids Actuel
69,2 kg
Performance: poids stable

Objectif de Poids
58,5 kg
Reste à parcourir: 10,7 kg
My passions: I love God first, my wonderful husband and family come in a close 2nd, and I am blessed to have great friends.I enjoy Zumba, skiing, sailing, my Wii Fit and want to start biking again. I am an avid traveler - have visited almost 30 countries at least once. I have returned to France more than any other, but I also loved the rest of Europe and Africa and Australia and China - oh I could go on....
To be honest I think I have always had food issues. The phrase "comfort food" resonates deeply with me. I have been a "yoyo" dieter since my 20's - winning the battle more often than losing it. However, now that I am older I find it's not so easy to take weight off after a gain. So I ended up at the beginning of this year nearly 160 pounds, which makes a real difference when your wardrobe consists of clothes I purchased when I was at 30+ pounds lighter. So I joined Lindora in January (weighed over 160 at the time)and this weight loss program worked pretty well for me. I received one-on-one support and guidance. I have been off the official program since the first of May but continue to make progress overall. My goal is to stay in my 120's for the rest of my life.
I appreciate the feedback from FatSecret members - it helps keep me motivated and accountable, which is what the Lindora program did for me - but at a high financial cost. So I am grateful to be here and want you to know I appreciate you!

Historique de poids de Farfelu


Dernière entrée de poids: Perdant 0,6 kg par Semaine Down
Dernière entrée de poids: Perdant 0,8 kg par Semaine Down
(visible uniquement aux abonnés)
Dernière entrée de poids: Prenant 1,5 kg par Semaine Up

Aliment & Exercice Récents de Farfelu

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