Rejoint octobre 2022
Historique de Poids

Poids Initial
86,0 kg
Perdu jusqu'à présent: 28,1 kg

Poids Actuel
57,8 kg
Performance: Perdant 0,2 kg par Semaine

Objectif de Poids
54,4 kg
Reste à parcourir: 3,4 kg
Former Sparks people member...was on MFP for tracking with my doctor team with key code...Have you heard of Fat ,Sick and Nearly Dead with Joe Cross? well if u have not guessed it one of my conditions is the same as his...mine was triggered by a flu vaccine 11 years ago...but that is only one of my challenges...
I have 4 auto immune conditions:
1.depression with anxiety
2. Chronic Physical Urticaria with solar- allergic to sweat, heat, temp.changes/body temp. changes...and the sun - **triggered by the flu vaccine 10 years ago, very rare...doctors do not know how to treat this- so constant trying things*****
3.Lymphocyctic colitis- not as common as the other colitis
4.stage 2 kidney disease...
I also have DDD in the last 5 disks of the spine, and DDD in my neck ( C4,5,6)
I am under doctor care of all 4 diary will be set and made according to what they feel I need to try my body does not break and digest foods...and foods trigger each condition differently...

look forward to learning this site and cheering u on! please add me if I fit in your world...or just need that support, I am here for you

*****OWNER AND OPERATOR OF ANGELA'S CLEAN SWEEP**** so u will see loads of cleaning on my feed lol ...just work...:)

Historique de poids de loveofflamingos


Dernière entrée de poids: Perdant 0,7 kg par Semaine Down
Dernière entrée de poids: Perdant 5,4 kg par Semaine Down
Dernière entrée de poids: Perdant 3,2 kg par Semaine Down
Dernière entrée de poids: Perdant 0,1 kg par Semaine Down

Aliment & Exercice Récents de loveofflamingos

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