Journal de morela12

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04 juin 2015

Miracle Morning: Day 10
Insanity Max: Day 9

Finally!!! I woke up this morning at 5:45am and for the first time actually got up and out of bed right away.

What did i do differently to get these results? Well, last night i went to bed a bit earlier than usual. I set my coffee pot to start at 6am. I set up an alarm clock across my bedroom, set for 6am. My watch (fitbit charge HR) alarm was set for 5:45am. So, i could basically turn it off and then fall back asleep only to have a loud alarm across the room go off or i could get out of bed at 5:45 to peaceful quietness. I chose quietness. :) I also read through my affirmations before bed last night and woke up with happiness.

Basically it all came together as planned!! Yay!!

I got my meditation, affirmations, visualizations, exercise, reading and journaling all done as planned.

Today Insanity was great...i'm sweating like a pig but i pushed hard!

Now for the shower!!

03 juin 2015

Miracle Morning: Day 9
Insanity Max: Day 8

So i had a bummer of a morning and slept waaaaay too late. I got up and did my reading (rereading Miracle Morning to get remotivated) and then did Insanity Max (Tabata Power).

I don't really know why i haven't felt motivated to wake up early this week. I hate to say that it's because of Sunday and the wedding and getting off track, but I do think it has something to do with that. HOWEVER, at every moment of my life i can make the decision to move forward in the direction i want to or to stay stuck at mediocre. I need to do better about thinking about this at every moment. Remember that i want to live a LEVEL 10 life. I don't want to stay the same.

Anyway, i'm proud that i still worked out today. I want to see results and i know that if i stick with ONE thing, that's one thing that will make me feel successful every day.

Onto the rest of my day and here's to doing better tomorrow!! Shower time! :)
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
94,3 kg 6,4 kg 23,9 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   Ajouter Commentaire Perdant 1,2 kg par Semaine

02 juin 2015

Miracle Morning: Day 8
Insanity Max 30: Day 7

So, a lot to say. I went to a wedding on Sunday night and woke up yesterday (Monday) pretty darn hungover. I don't usually drink and man-o-man did it set me back yesterday. I didn't get up early to do my miracle morning, even though all day Sunday i was so excited to start the week and set the week off great with getting up. I'm disappointed in myself but hey, life must go on.

Yesterday was basically a day off, which is fine because i needed to take at least a day off from insanity.

Anyway, back at it today. I didn't get up nearly as early as i wanted to (a little after 7am), so that's my goal for tomorrow. However, i did get all of my 6 miracle morning steps in and finished the first day of week two of insanity. So that feels good...

I've got a loooooong day of work ahead of me and i hope that i can power through and be happy.

I'm grateful for stick with it. I'm grateful for the good feeling i get from working out.

Stick with it!!

31 mai 2015

Miracle Morning: Day 6
Insanity Max 30: Day 5

Yayyy! It's a Sunday and i followed through with it! I did wake up later than i would have liked (9:30am) but i'm not going to fault myself for getting extra sleep.

I woke up late, did laundry, vacuumed, did some work, and then i settled in for some reading (15 minutes) and then did my workout (33 minutes) and now i'm journaling. So of my 6 things i'm supposed to do every morning, i've done 3. I'm going to do my visualizations and affirmations when i take a shower here shortly, and then i know i can find a few minutes for some silence.

I'm going to a BBQ here shortly and then heading to a wedding this evening. It's a pretty packed day and i'm excited that i've been able to do some things for me already today.

I'm really looking forward to the weekdays and getting up again at 6 am before the world starts. I really feel like i'm behind the game when i wake up late and am not done with my miracle morning by 8 am. That's my new goal.

I'm excited to start seeing results...and i know i will!!

30 mai 2015

Historique de poids de morela12

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