Journal de jsfantome

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26 août 2013

Today, was a GOOD DAY! Whew!!! Pain level dropped thruout the day from about a 7-8 to about a 1-2!!!! Thank you, God! (and all of you who were keeping good thoughts and prayers going his way.)

He still has a low grade temp. Quite uncomfortable, but not in real 'pain' like he was. Finally moved to a clear liquids (from nothing) - which totally made him appreciate the taste of 'Broth'!! LOL!

The Dr. really feels like the antibiotics are starting to really do their job each day should be a marked improvement. We will take it slow, of course, but he may be sent home as early as Wed...or Thurs.

Due to a couple of glitches... like the brakes went out in one of our cars! (oh, joy!) while I was driving home from the hospital last night... I am fine, but now down to one car. SO...

I will be driving Jr down to college myself. I will likely come back about 1/2 way and then stay over somewhere... then finish up early Wed morning to be back at the hospital by lunch time... just in case they decide to spring hubby early.

Middle son has to work on Wed... so he would have to do the whole 16 hrs in one day...which I think is a bit much - unless you really like to drive...or you don't feel tired from that long of a day.

Well, I'm off to bed...will be on the road by no journal tomorrow. I'll be back on Wed to let you know how it goes.

Thanks again, and much love.

26 août 2013

24 août 2013

Hey Everyone, thanks for the prayers. Just stopping in to update:

Hubby is still in considerable pain. Been on Dilatdid ? Pretty strong pain med. While it's active, he is able to rest. Saw the Dr. just before coming home - he thinks he may start feeling better from the Antibiotics by sometime tomorrow...which is our hope. May take a few more days beyond that before he would be able to come home.

The other scenario... well, that involves surgery. Don't even want to think about it.

Was supposed to be driving youngest son back to college on Mon / Tues. That's out of the question right now. May ask middle son..yes, the angry at me right now son... if he would make the trip w/ his brother, but right now that's all up in the air.

My hubby gave me the surprise trip of lifetime for my 50th B-day...and we are scheduled to leave on Sat, Sept 7th. Two Weeks. He better get better in a HURRY! If surgery ends up being the only option...the trip is out of the question.

I think he said he bought the 'insurance' on the plane tickets...but the hotels and such I think he said are 'non-refundable.' Let's hope in the worse case scenario, they would let us plan this for a later date and hold a credit or something.

More about that later...when I am sure he's back home and we will be going.

Thanks again, and please continue to keep him lifted in prayer.

I am doing fine, and have had no problems keeping up w/ my water, my way of eating...and he's on the 4th I take the stairs all day long... not bad for me... terrible for him, but not bad for me!

Much Love.

23 août 2013

23 août 2013

There's a bridge somewhere with my name on it! Keep reading - you'll understand. My kids are not really kids anymore. And finding that 'bridge' between adolescence and an actual 'adult' - well, we are swimming in the deep end of the pool w/out a lifejacket :)

I raised them to be 'independent'. So, really this should be no surprise that they want their independance. But their immaturity that pushes them to INSIST they are adults...insists on lashing out to hurt others to get what they want.

In the end - I don't want my kids to move on into their futures with a feeling that they can't maintain family relationships - because in doing so they think they are not being treated like an 'adult'. But how do you maintain family relationships - respect for each other, etc.. - when one of them is just being 'childlike' in their quest to be treated like a grown up!

I'm not perfect. I've made tons of mistakes as a parent. I have owned them. Expressed them. And apologized for them, where necessary in my life.

We have a significant difference of opinion going on around here regarding one very specific issue. And it's not about whether one person's thinking is 'right' or another's is 'wrong'. (at least not to me). It's about the OVER-REACTIONS, the hurtful criticisms and lashing out - because they didn't get their way.

It's childish. You've hurt me by saying no... so I am going to hurt you back - by throwing a temper tantrum, telling you everything I think you ever did wrong, threatening to move out and 'disengage' from relationships where I am not being respected as an adult !!!

Come On! Really? - I know as a Mom this too shall pass. One day, this will be looked back on and I am sure said 'adult' will feel badly on some level. But at the moment... my heart is so sad for the breakdown of this relationship.

It's tough to have your grown kids move back home - but it's way tougher when you have to tell them their hurtful antics are not welcome in your home - and it's time for them to find their own place.

Didn't see this coming...certainly not over something so ridiculous.

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