Journal de dave22

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13 juillet 2008

Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
77,0 kg 8,8 kg 7,1 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   Ajouter Commentaire Prenant 0,2 kg par Semaine

09 juillet 2008

Well...its decided, I'm gonna buy a Mackintosh, a wide brimmed hat and change my name to Dave(dick) Tracey.. cause this lil food recording notebook of mine is being whipped out more times than ya could shake a thick stick at! Only last night as me sainted mother was tryin' to feed me, there were chorus's of...

"Stand awayyyy from the muffins mother, thats a misdemeanour without plea bargain - according to my notes"

"No Mom... my notebook says that if ya get caught having maple syrup on mashed potatoes - they'll take ya downtown and 'thingy' ya"

"Just half a lettuce leaf and a slice of cucumber will suffice Ma'am - I'm trying to keep up with Magnum PI"

And then I broke! I was late getting home ya see and the Dad had already caught the bus to the Pub... so by the time I got there he had finished and was at the bus stop to get the bus home.. so we decided to nip in for a quick one..'sure it can do no harm'. Well maybe it was the tearful look in the barmans eye or maybe its cause I won't be in Dublin next week but from some distant place I heard a mans voice coming from my mouth saying...

"Barkeep - I'll have 2 pints of your finest black Guinness stout my man - and may it hit the bottom of my tummy with a satisfying thud" [not a notebook in sight]

I'd swear that that pub hushed and Gerry the barmans chin might have given a quivver..and for a scary moment I thought that he was gonna yell, by way of celebration for a prodical eegit, "Drinks are on the house" but instead he smiled with a wink saying

"Comin' right up, take a seat Daithí, remove that mackintosh and sure I'll bring them over to ye"

So there y'are...15 extra feckin' glorious grams of velvety carbs, but I had been sooo good for sooooo long - and as I sipped through the creamy head...sure twas like a jazzy new orleans marching band preceeded the tasty nectar in joyous celebration...twas only glorgious. Sometimes ya just have to do what life asks of ya, don't ya. And sure the Da is 83 now and so these times are precious or at least thats the way it seems to me.

The Internet in Ireland, tis a peculiar thing, before our economic boom of the last15 years or so.. we hardly knew what it was.. now we are the 2nd biggest producer of pc thingys outside the US.. (due to low tax rates and our silicone valley here owned by dell and intel etc etc) however, as per usual most of the investment and infrastructure was confined to the cities and in rural parts it can still really difficult to get broadband. The phone system still uses copper wires which are bleh... and where I am hills and valleys seem to be blocking most signals...However hopefully this latest company will do the business and get us up and running soon... God then Sarah will be here and I'll have to start actin' semi sane!! (No then she would suspect something!!! must act normal must *twitch* act normal *twitch*), Sarah as ya might imagine is an expert at rolling her eyes and tellin' me when to apologise, chuckles..

Jaysus.. sorry for going on so long!! but it has to last for a few days ... (will make a note in me new notebook to keep it shorter!)..

Be good and stay safe - see ya in a week and if any of ya are going on hols... 'bring me back a cowboy hat!!!!!'


08 juillet 2008

"I can resist anything ... but temptation" - Oscar Wilde

Ould Oscar knew our pain when he wrote those words... Well can ya believe it - 'tis time for the weekly session with Gerry the barman once again, the weeks are flyin by and the weather over here for the second year in a row is pure Horse Manure. Once again tis a white wash of a summer with rain so heavy...tis scary. I took the boys to the cinema on Sunday last (kung fu Panda won out over Hancock, grrrr) and at one stage everyone became aware of the rain beating down on the roof... in a modern cinema!! I ask ya..

Well I'm here today and tomorrow then I'm taking a few days off (until next Thursday) in order to hang out with the gang at home. Next Wed I will drop them all to the airport and wave bye bye with a moistened eye as they fly off to the UK for a few weeks and I will head back to work - home alone just me and the doggies. Will take another week later in the summer as we have a lot of visitors coming to stay.

I bought a lil note book and am recording EVERYTHING that is being put in my mouth, including toothpaste and cutlery!! Its amazing how those grams add up iffin ya don't keep an eye on them. But I WANT to get into some type of sustained ketosis soon.. 3 weeks to lose 1lb isint getting me too far!

I know that we are good at saying it...but I'll say it too. Thank you to one and all for your journals.... ya never know when your words are gonna hit home and help another.. I for one am continually uplifted and given strength..

Stay between the ditches friends..

meself xx

07 juillet 2008

Supposin' now that this place had a newspaper or magazine... maybe the 'FS Echo' or the 'Thin Thinkin Tribune' I wonder if they would have an 'Agony Aunt' section, a place to be the panacea for all our ills... My First letter would probably be a lil like;

Dear Clare, (Clare always sounds like a soothing kinda name!] I've been having this relationship with my food for well over 40 years now and we have always had a very loving and close relationship. That is until recently...when 'they' came into my life and tempted me away from everything I ever held dear...

Clare, its all I think about or talk about.. yes... but there is more, for I must confess - its a threesome!!!! I've surredered to the velvet beauty and tantaslization of ... the three sisters cream... delectable double, sexy single and frolicking flavoured. How could one resist their tempations.. its a tantric affair!

Is there any hope Clare or should I submit to my natural urges!

Yours (in vanilla cream sensation!)


What I REALLY wanted to ask is..... if I am getting to the end of the day and have only had 12g of carbs.. is there any harm in having a BUCKET load of cream once I stay under the 20g mark???? Is there?

In relation to anyone with diabetes issues, I was reading Dr. Bernsteins book "The Diabetes solution" over the weekend. He wrote a piece on the topic of sweetners which I found interesting. He listed the main ones
Saccharin - Sweet n low
aspartame - Nutrasweet
acesulfame(k) - Sunett, the sweet one
Stevia - Not approve here in the EU
Sucralose - Splenda
Neotame - Newly approved by the FDA
Cyclamate - Not yet available in the US

He was making the point that all vary in their availabilty and are used to satisfy a sweet tooth without signigicantly affecting blood sugars - BUT ONLY IN TABLET FORM. He says that in powered form they usually contain a sugar mix to increase bulk and will rapidy increase blood sugar levels. When bought in powered form they typically contain about 96% glucose or maltodextrin.
He adds that if ya read the 'nutritional facts' label on granulated splenda for example it lists (as it must) ingrediants in order from most to least: dextrose(glucose), maltodextrin(mix of sugars) and finally sucralose. Most powered sweetner are sold as low cal and/or sugarfree sweetners because they only contain 1 gram of sugar as compared to 3 grams of sucrose in a similar paper packed labelled 'sugar'. However the exception to this rule seems to be Stevia, which apparantly has little rapid effect on blood sugar levels. Sarah found it quite interestion so I thought that I'd just share it for what its worth..

Well... my weigh in now shows me in the 160's... nearly three lbs down but only 1lb is actual weight loss (and that has taken 4 weeks) the other two lbs were because of a dodgy conversion from stones to lbs... I was doing it wrong (according to my expensive new scales) so I had lbs in the bank!!

Now apologies if I went off track in this journal... Conor telephoned me half way through with the results of his end of year school exams.. 6 A grades and 4 B's *s*

Happy Monday.... (ohhh I'm on vacation from Wednesday for a week!) happy days!

07 juillet 2008

Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
76,8 kg 8,9 kg 7,0 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   Ajouter Commentaire Perdant 1,2 kg par Semaine

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