Journal de GLAMMER

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24 novembre 2014

Geeesh! This is my punishment for ~ #1 - Making poor food choices, & #2 - Not logging my food intake. Feeling very disappointed & frustrated with myself, & kicking my "virtual" butt (is there a wii for doing that???), but determining in my heart AND mind that I WILL lose this, & hopefully fairly fast. Good news is that I'm back on my exercycle after like a month of hardly doing it at all. I'm feeling those slacking off days too, YOUCH! But, it feels good knowing that I'm back on track & in control. This was bad timing to fall off the wagon, & now I have to try to behave with the big holidays coming up. In myself I am sooo weak, but as Philippians 4:13 says, "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME." So, I've got my anti-fat monster armor on, sword in hand, & I'm ready to resume this fight ~~ BRING IT ON!
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
116,8 kg 3,4 kg 17,1 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (7 commentaires) Prenant 0,7 kg par Semaine

02 novembre 2014

YAY! I went a little crazy on Halloween, but still lost .8 lbs. I can deal with that! Only had 10-12 kiddos show up, but still had fun. Decorated my Jack-o-Lantern, gluing on felt features instead of carving, to keep it fresher. Now I'm going to bake it tomorrow, then scrape out the pulp to freeze & use for making wonderfully pumpkin pies, muffins, etc. Went to church in the "big city" of Grants Pass today. Met the new pastor, whom we've been hearing such good things about. It's all true, it was a great message! After church went to our 2 daughters' home, ate pizza & chatted with them & Son-in-Law, til he & youngest Daughter had to leave for work. Then watched the "new" Spiderman movie with oldest daughter before coming home. Hubs was sick with his diabetes & had to sleep in our car during church. Felt a little better afterward. I did the driving, which I enjoy anyway. It has been a long day, but a happy & fun one too. Hope you all had a safe & happy Halloween, & didn't eat too much candy. If you did, there's always tomorrow to make better choices. Hugs & Blessings, GLAMMER
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
114,8 kg 5,4 kg 15,0 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (1 commentaire) Perdant 0,4 kg par Semaine

26 octobre 2014

I can't believe how flaky I am with getting on here, weighing in & sharing my progress (& lack of it) with all of my dear FS friends. I'm sorry, & am also so thankful that I'm not alone in this boat! I'm down to 253.8, so at least my absence wasn't due to failing in my healthy choices. Life just gets in the way sometimes, of some of the things we'd really like to do. This group needs to be a high priority for me though, so I need to work on this. I hope all of you, my dear friends, are in good health & doing well with your food choices & weight loss. I look forward to the upcoming Holiday Season with both joy & dread, but I know with the Lord's help & yours we can all make it through this time with at least no significant weight gains, & even with joy in finding new recipes for yummy healthy foods that fit our new lifestyle. We just need to prepare in advance, & purpose in our hearts & minds to stay committed, & not give in or give up, no matter what. That's easy enough, right? I'm getting all fired up here ~ bring it on! YEAH! ;)

PS ~ I wanted to share this funny poem that was posted on my craft group. I think we can all relate to this ~

I'll Start My Diet Monday

Oh my stomach's growling,
My mouth is dry,
If only I could have
Just one little piece of pie!

Everyone's in bed,
They're all sound asleep.
I sneak into the kitchen,
Tiptoe without a peep.

Up goes my hand,
Off goes the cover,
Just one little piece. . . . . .
Well, maybe another,

Three pieces later ,
All that's left is an empty tray.
Oh well,
I can start my diet Monday!

~ I'm glad we've ALL learned better than to think like this for real, but it is a cute picture of how our minds can play such silly tricks on us, & even make this thinking seem very sensible & "right". Let's not fall for it this Holiday Season! ~~~ LOVE n HUGZ, GLAMMER
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
115,1 kg 5,1 kg 15,3 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (7 commentaires) Perdant 0,8 kg par Semaine

08 octobre 2014

Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
117,2 kg 3,0 kg 17,4 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (6 commentaires) Prenant 1,3 kg par Semaine

30 septembre 2014

Hello, Dear FS Friends! I had a weigh-in with Mike the MA today. I'm at 255 lbs, which is the lowest I've weighed since starting FS, & since...many years! I'm so happy! My oldest DD was given some very nice clothes by a friend & after she went through them she passed them on to me. I found several items that I like & that fit me in my usual size. There were more that I liked in the next smaller size, so on a whim I tried one thing on. It fits, YAY! So, now I have several more items that are in my "new size". I've worn this size before, but not for well over 5 years, & it feels soooo good. I really needed this bit of encouragement, since in the 6 weeks since my last visit with Mike I've only lost 1 lb. That was partly because of the intestinal problem I've been having, which is still not quite fully resolved. I told Mike & have also purposed in my heart & mind that I will have lost 8-10 lbs by my next 6 weeks visit to him. I had a fasting blood draw before my appt with Mike, & we had other errands to run while in the city, so we had breakfast at the Black Bear restaurant. Their special was steak & eggs for $8.99, & I couldn't resist. I splurged, but to help make up for it I didn't eat lunch. Bad girl I know, but this is a rare thing, so not a huge deal. For dinner, Hubs made scrambled eggs & oven fries, so I think I'll be ok weight-wise if I just behave myself now that I've had my big splurge for the month. I also exercycled for about 15 to 20 min's, don't know exactly cuz the cycle's batteries went dead. I had taken a nap, & woke with my left foot cramping. I thought exercycling would help it, but no, instead my right foot also started cramping. Aaargh! Good news is, youngest DD gave me her old mp3 player, & she put a custom "Mom's exercycle-oriented" playlist of good music on it, & it is great. Will be even better with new batteries & no muscle cramps, LOL! Have an awesome week everyone! (((SKINNY HUGS))), GLAMMER
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
115,7 kg 4,5 kg 15,9 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (7 commentaires) Perdant 1,0 kg par Semaine

Historique de poids de GLAMMER

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