Journal de Want2BFit

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14 avril 2011

13 avril 2011

05 février 2011

Hey peeps! I find it easier to check-in periodically than do the daily thing. I had come to some major epiphanies the last time, and diet/exercise wise I've been doing exponentially better. I'm proud to say I'm 90% sugar free, and I have gone three weeks without emotional eating. The first few days were the hardest, but now it really just feels like second nature. I truly feel/think better so that's exciting and it helps sticking with my plan that much easier. In the beginning I was slowly taking things away, but allowing myself things like Coke Zero just so I wouldn't feel too restricted and binge or anything.

I think the first week I stuck to just 15g (max) Sugar and 120g of carbs, then the next week I cut out grains, which was a bit harder than I thought. I was pretty good 3/7 days, but I still give myself credit for that much :). The next week (this week) the plan was to cut cheese, but it's that time of the month, so i kind of allowed myself to have what my body wanted. It's amazing I try and drink a gallon of water before I eat anything, but I'm finding that my body has a better idea of when I'm hungry, true hunger not craving/desire to eat, so even on days when I don't eat perfectly, I'm still not eating huge quantities.

My exercise was abysmal this holiday season, so now that I'm back into the swing of daily exercise I'm noticing I lost a bit of strength. I'm not sure if it's my lower back that's weak or if my core was just a lot stronger before, but I'm really feeling it these days, I can't wait to get back to where I was before. I've been doing Slim in 6 (the new version) and Chalean Extreme. I love Debbie's program just b/c I know you'll drop inches in a weeks time and who can't love that? Chalean is great too b/c I've heard a lot of great feedback about the program, and I've had it for a few years, but I found it was too slow for me, but now I just decided it's shorter than P90X which the same (if not better) results so I'm just going to stick with it. I think slow exercises are just hard for me, but I'll get over it, lol. I'm loving the lifting though, and I'm so excited to see what kind of results I can get.

i'm not sure if anyone watches, but MTV has this new show I used to be fat, and while I hate the whole messaging of it, I'm going to challenge myself to do train harder. My goal for this year was to submit my pictures for the beachbody Million Dollar Body game so I have until 4/11/11 to get in the best shape possible

19 janvier 2011

I haven't even looked to see how long its been since I've written a journal, lol, but it's a pretty damn long time. To say I fell off the wagon would be an understatement! I've been so over 'dieting' and the like that I just stopped doing it altogether, so to come here and 'pretend' that I was dieting/exercising would've just been a lie, so sorry guys for being a bad buddy :(. I think my whole routine was out of whack after I completed Insanity, but I couldn't really get back into the swing of things wholeheartedly. I think my goal/priorities were skewed so it was hard to stay committed. I never completed P90X, but I made it through 6 weeks by December and I was/am very proud of that.

I also started working at the yoga store I had mentioned a few times before and that took up a lot of my time (another excuse I know, lol) but I learned a lot over the past few months and now I'm ready to get back on track.

What I've Learned:

1. I'm an emotional eater, I've known this for a while, but I think sometimes it's not so much of a problem and I need to learn to not associate food with comfort
2. I'm afraid to be thin! It's so weird and seems counterproductive, but the moment I get close to my goal I always go back in the opposite direction. As a fat/heavy person, it's so easy to blame things on your weight, that without that excuse you have to face your fears a bit
3. Sugar is like a drug to me, it's def my evil exbf to say the least, I'm so much better, physically/mentally without it, but all my comfort foods have it :(
4. I seem to be an all/nothing yo-yo dieter~when I'm "ON" I'm good, perfect, meticulous, driven,etc. When I'm "Off" I eat like I'm carb loading soda, cookies, fried rice, it's like I'm a pregnant woman lol
5. I need to enjoy my workouts or I won't do it. I think I conditioned myself to think of exercise as a chore/punishment so it made it a lot harder to do sometimes. Also, I get bored easily, so my follow through is pretty awful

16 novembre 2010

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