Journal de jedarojr

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16 septembre 2018

16 septembre 2018

10 septembre 2018

Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
132,1 kg 17,1 kg 36,8 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   Ajouter Commentaire Perdant 0,8 kg par Semaine

31 août 2018

weight is steady, but I've not been 100% compliant with various excuses (infant with 102 fever for 4 days, 3 hour traffic delay, strapped for cash, mentally weak). I've noticed that I stagnate if I don't eat enough, or if I have some carbohydrate. Small victory today as I have been able to ingest 2k+ calories by 11 am. I'll be able to eat another 1,000 calories at least tonight, so I expect the scale to move tomorrow or the next day. still addicted to my coffee in the am, but cutting down slowly. still sleeping, 0 medications, and no depression or anxiety. best of all, not hungry, and cravings are slowly falling. Biggest conundrum has been figuring out salt-- with no sugar, I don't crave salt as much anymore, and even lightly salting the meat to tenderize it is sometimes too much. interesting!! found a lot more supportive research, including a doctor who has been unable to find any research that supports an upper limit for protein, and no evidence of protein in conjunction with kidney disease. further, he stated that the sweet spot for obesity is 10-12% protein (USA currently eats 10-13%...oops) and global average is ~19% whereas optimum protein intake is up to 35%. he postulates that one of the reasons you can overeat on less nutritious food is because the body still craves protein. ergo, have pancakes and donuts loaded with sugar and fat and you'll become bloated, but still hungry. protein quality seems to matter as well (ie a person may be able to eat 6-800 grams of whey or hemp protein, but will have a hard time eating more than 3-400 grams of meat protein).
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
133,3 kg 16,0 kg 38,0 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (3 commentaires) poids stable

28 août 2018

Just clarifying that when I joined this platform, I had lost 40 lbs in less than a few weeks and ultimately dropped 60 lbs (of mostly lean mass) due to illness, and only started using this app because I naively believed that calories were important-- so I was trying to ensure that I was eating 750 or more calories per day. Even on the weeks I was not able to eat 750 or more/day I was still gaining 10 lbs or more per week until I skyrocketed past my previous high weight. That alone should have provided me with the understanding that CICO is BS, and weightloss does NOT equate to health (though correlation would be fair). A doctor recently stated that if weightloss is your goal, you have the wrong goal. Get healthy first, the weight will come off later. I'm sure I have damage to my organs, connective tissue, and bones in addition to muscular atrophy-- as well as diagnosed neurological issues (all autoimmune, all reversible). Still, I am managing a consistent drop in weight while struggling to eat as much as I can-- not as easy without the plants/sugar to alter the hormones and make my body starve despite surplus of the demigods: calories. Depression and anxiety are completely gone-- 1st time in over a decade. Gone. I am also noticing that I have to brew my coffee weaker because I don't need it as much (besides, I understand it is probably suppressing my appetite, which is NOT what I want). My lower back pain is almost gone, the rest of my joint pain is gone-- at one point I was taking 5 medications for just this one pain. I've come to the realization that nutrition is a heck of a lot less to do with what you put in your body, but moreso what you do not. Cravings are still there, but I've also only been about 70-90% compliant (minus my youngest's birthday weekend). Ever experience closing your eyes when you lay down, and then waking up in the morning-- before the alarm-- ready to go-- happy!!?? It is becoming a more regular occurrence. I don't even remember the last time, "umm" was uttered from my mouth in conversation-- brain fog and lag....gone. Thinking of supplementing my beef with bacon for health reasons :)

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