Journal de Kedrake18

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26 septembre 2017

Hopped on the scale this morning at 4am, it showed only .4 lbs more than my weigh in on Saturday. So yay for not holding on to the sodium! The last two mornings have bee fiascos...just unprepared fiascos. lol. I was barely on time this morning, and I was 10min late yesterday morning. ugh. But I have the best bosses in the world, and just took a shorter lunch break to make up the lost time. Monday morning I slept through 3 alarms and got up very late. lol. This morning morning I had to count money and balance my daughter's fundraiser stuff so we could sent it into school. I was suppose to do it last night, but we had a friend stop by unexpectedly, so we visited with him and forgot about it til this morning.

However, dinner last night was delicious. The pork tenderloin was cooked perfectly and had great flavor, I went home immediately after work, preheated the oven, prepped the meat, seasoned it, and put it in the oven. Then I set the 'bake time timer' which will turn the oven off after a set time. Then I left and got boys from robotics club, dropped them at daycare, picked up my 8yr old, then went to a different daycare to get my 4month old. We got home the timer had just gone off. :) Salad has been a staple lately and the local cherry tomatoes are so very very good. Also made some quick 10min nuked potatoes, and some wild rice. Pic is down below! :)

Plans for dinner tonight is using left over chicken & broth to make basically chicken and dumplings. Dumplings will be potato gnocchi. Going to do part of the prep on the veggies on my lunch break, so the they'll be ready to saute after work today. Probably going to toss in some fresh basil that I have in the windowsill in the kitchen too. Should turn out tastey. :) I did get up at 4 this morning, but the baby decided to get up at 4am too, so I didn't get to exercise..instead I fed the baby, then started our chaotic morning. But when you have kids, things don't always go like you plan them too. lol. I tried, so that counts at least. lol.

Time to work. :) Have a Terrific Tuesday Everyone!!

25 septembre 2017

Lots to journal about today. I'm down 6.1 pounds in 10days. :) I think that's pretty good for just changing the way I'm eating. I haven't managed any planned exercise yet. I had the opportunity to go walking or exercise on Sunday, but choose to paint the shutters and trim on the front of the house...and trust me that is a full body workout that I am feeling today..pretty sure I'm going to feel it more tomorrow. Before and after pic of the house in the comments. I still have to paint the gutters, but need to get a tall ladder before I can do that...I forsee a trip to Lowes this week. :3

Now lets talk food choices over the weekend..Saturday we were suppose to go to a birthday party at a skating ring, but found out when we got there that it had been put on hold til the next weekend because the birthday girl was sick. So on the way we went to Arbys and grabbed lunch. I ordered only a sandwich, then had a few of my hubby's fries. It was not the best choice, more planning and I could have had lunch on the go, but it's not easy with an 8yr old and a 4 month old let me tell ya. lol. So I made the best choice I could at that time.

Now Sunday is where I made worse choices...but I was still in calorie range for that day. I had a reasonable breakfast, then I painted the house and worked through lunch. I did stop and get water and eat the last of the watermelon in the fridge but that was it. Then in the afternoon I had company come over, so we ended up ordering pizza because I had yet to defrost anything from the freezer for dinner. I have several slices and it was totally worth it. I enjoyed it, and I'm not going to beat myself up over it. :) I could have eaten more than I did, but I told myself no. I think this is what is causing me to feel reeeeally hungry this morning, I'm going to stick to my plan though. I've already had my breakfast, and I'll have a snack probably about 9:30, til then lots of fluids.

I didn't do a scale check this morning, but it was probably elevated because of all the salt I had this weekend. I'm hoping since I didn't go crazy with the amount of calories I had those days, that the sodium will flush out this week and the scale will drop again next Saturday. Also I sweated so much on Sunday and I got sunburned pretty was overcast and I didn't think about how long I was out there painting. lol. Ah well.

Hope everyone has a Good Monday and is able to start the week off making good choices. Stay Positive People!! :D

22 septembre 2017

The scale was down today, though tomorrow is my offical weighin day. Just wanted to post it today though. :) I woke up happy today, and I just feel good. Just goes to show what eating right can do for you in such a short period of time. Really need to add in some planned exercise, but I have a plan for next week, lets see if I can accomplish it!

Yesterday was good: I stuck to my planned food, and even ate less snacks than I had accounted for. Just wasn't hungry and I wasn't going to push food if I just didn't want it. Veggies are filling, and starting off with a high protien and fiber breakfast really helps I think. I put chicken in my crockpot at lunch and it turned out fabulously like it always does. It's a go to recipe for me, so once a week I make it, then I have left over chicken for salad and soups and such the rest of the week. The Picture below is of my dinner last night: In addition to the chicken, we had potatoes and green beans in a parmesan butter sauce, roasted cauliflower with a sprinkle of cheese, and a tomato basil salad with a roasted pepper, ginger, soy dressings.

Plans for today: Plan out weekend meals, grocery shopping after work, enjoy spending time with my family. Try to get some kind of exercise in, even if it's yard work! Oh and I have a recipe for baked Tuna cakes I want to try this weekend. I already added the recipe to my cookbook and I think I'll be able to have 2-3 of the cakes as part of my meal. So very excited about that, also my 8yr old will be able to help mix and make this dish. Very excited about that, she really enjoys helping me cook, but it's hard during the week to include her because she's usually has to finish her reading and work on her spelling words while I'm cooking.

Anywho, hope everyone has a very Happy Friday, and a wonderful weekend!!

21 septembre 2017

I did really well yesterday. I had Greek yogurt and some soynuts already planned for snacks, but just never got hungry enough to eat them! So Calorie-wise I was on the lower end of the range I try to stick to.

I drank so much water yesterday too, 100oz+ O.O I have two 33oz water bottles I keep filled at my desk and I went through 3 of them, plus a big glass of water at lunch, then all the water at home after work. I did that gotta go dance all yesterday. lol.

This morning I added to my breakfast sandwich. 1/2 of a flatout light flat bread, 2 jimmy dean turkey sausage patties, and 1/8 cup of finely shredded Italian cheese. Also 2 sprays of spray butter. I wrapped it up at home, then I nuke it at work to heat it up. I think tomorrow I'll bring some baby spinach and poke it in the sandwich after I heat it up.

Lunch today will be busy. I'm going to put chicken on in the crock pot for tonight. I'll also be heating up lunch on the stove in a skillet..kinda like Taco rice medley...should be tasty.

End of the day: I pick up my friend's sons from robotics club and drop them off at after school care when I pick my daughter up, it only adds a few minutes to my trip, so I'm happy to help them out. I need to make a grocery store run, but that will probably wait til tomorrow afternoon. Also need to stop at the farmer's market again, but I'll do that on my lunch break Friday as well. Local cherry tomatoes are absolutely delicious.

I think I've come to the decision that I need to start waking up at 4am, working out or walking for 30mins, then shower, and start the day. I know the first week of it will be rough, but then I'll adjust and it'll just become routine/habit. I'll still reserve Saturday morning for sleeping in as much as I can. It's one of my few things I really do for myself and with my hubby home, I'll wake up to the smell of coffee. Sometimes he even brings it to me in bed. :3 He's a wonderful husband.

That's it for today. :)

20 septembre 2017

Well...splurged last night. My will power gave out and I had a pita with the butter sauce that we had with the pasta. It was soooo good. Think Carrabba's bread and Italian oil oil dipping sauce. O.O The scale wasn't angry with me this morning either, but I have a busy day yesterday as well. Once I got off work I went home, let the dogs out to potty, had salad topped with chicken from the night before for lunch.

Then drove over to the ENT was POURING rain when I got there. I was really early so I sat in the parking lot til it had eased up. Then while I was walking to the building, I decided to step up on the curb to go around where the water was flowing ankle deep in the road...well I sunk ankle deep in Mud!!! T_T It was horrible, gritty wet, goopy. uuuuugh. So I had to put my food in the ankle deep water to get it off. I was in flip flops, it was sunny with white puffy clouds when I left home..Florida weather I tell ya.

My tonsils have gotten worse in the past news to me, I already knew. lol. So I will be having them out the Monday before Thanksgiving. So I'll be limited to soft cold food for that holiday. lol. Diet control. Yup. I'm calm and resigned right now about the whole thing, but I'm sure the worry will set it as we get closer. If anyone has any advice or experiences about having your tonsils out as an adult, I would appreciate hearing about it. I've already heard a horror story about the whole thing from a friend of mine.

Besides that it is good to have friends that live near by and I'm very thankful for them today. My friend Ashley picked both of my girls up from daycare for me since I was running late coming back from the big city. I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have are absolutely the best and are there for me when I'm in a bind. I got caught in traffic in the big city, and there were accidents on the road that had it back up for miles. O.O

I also picked up my new clothes I had ordered..the first new clothes since I've had the baby in May. It feels great to have a few new outfits. I got them all on clearance and sale from Torrid. I was in desperate need of something not stained, holey, bleached, etc that I would wear when not at work. And I needed new Jeans since my others were so worn and I'm not quite small enough to fit in the next size down that are in my closet. Even got compliment on how well dressed I always appear when I dropped my baby off this morning at her daycare, it was a wonderful way to start the day. Most day I just feel slung together, I have a few mix and match cartigans and tops, then a pair of jeans and sneakers or sandals for work. Very thankful I get to wear jeans to work on a daily basis.

Plans for today: Pick kids up, cook dinner, laundry. If possible steal 30 mins for a walk, even if it's just the road we live on in the street lights with one of the dogs.

If you've read all the way through my journal, thank you for reading and your support. It's really appreciated, and I hope you have a lovely day.

Picture is of the Instruments table at the ENT office...all meant for your Ears, nose and throat. ugh.

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