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4 portion(s)
Temps de Préparation:
10 mins
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15 mins
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Average FatSecret member ranking Note Moyenne des Membres FatSecret
par le membre: honeydew

Oatmeal Banana Bakes

Oatmeal and banana baked like cookies.



  1. Mash ripe banana in a bowl.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and stir.
  3. Put on baking sheet, in cookie shapes and lightly flatten with a spoon.
  4. Bake at 350 °F (175 °C) for 9 minutes.
  5. Flip them after the 9 minutes, turn the oven off, and let them get a little crunchier in the still warm oven for 5 minutes.
514 membres ont ajouté cette recette à leur livre de cuisine.

I real like this and so does my daughter, altered it slightly baking to batches add an extra egg white for protein and in stead of splenda, brown sugar. Grab and go breakfast or snack.
user vote
09 sept. 13 par le membre: Kerry123
I messed them up because I cooked the oatmeal but I don't like the dry oatmeal.
user vote
05 sept. 12 par le membre: clearjewel
I just made these and they are pretty good. I would like them sweeter. (of course) LOL I did use 1/2 cup of splenda and I think the recipe should say to spray the cookie sheet w/oil. They did stick pretty bad. They are not too bad w/coffee or a glass of almond milk they work. :-)
user vote
11 oct. 11 par le membre: lkd1218
I think these are wonderful! It took me a bit to figure out that the Splenda amount listed in the recipe is equal to 1/2 cup (or that's what I used). They taste wonderful and I could eat the whole batch at a time...of course I didn't! :)
user vote
14 août 11 par le membre: skyonline
These were awesome!!! I'm on Phase one of Fat Smash, so I can't have the splenda, so I just added extra cinnamon. I bet they're even better sweet. It reminds me of banana bread, and it definitely helped kill my craving for something bread-like. I also hate oatmeal plain, so these were perfect! I will be making a lot of these!
user vote
03 juin 11 par le membre: staceylynn426
Ideal for fat smash, especially if you are lookign for new things to do with the oatmeal! I love it.
user vote
03 févr. 11 par le membre: tonichanise
THIS WAS AWFUL !!!!!! =(
user vote
12 nov. 10 par le membre: frankster83
wasnt really feeling this recipe much it did kill a sweet tooth but i assumed the cookies were goin to be more cruncy i didnt like that doughy taste in the middle...the concept is good tho
user vote
20 janv. 10 par le membre: blily
Very tasty! Mine didn't come out crispy though :(...but they tasted very yummy! The only way I got my daughter to eat oatmeal!!!! Awesome!
user vote
11 nov. 09 par le membre: gburgos1113
I didn't think these were worth 3 points. They tasted ok, but I will never make them again. 3 points for a little banana oatmeal pancake thing is not a very good use of points.
user vote
19 oct. 09 par le membre: Redelmom
1 à 10 sur 14 Suivant


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Proposer une Recette

Résumé Nutritionnel:

Il y a 196 calories dans 1 portion de Oatmeal Banana Bakes.
Répartition Calorique: 13% gras, 72% glu, 15% prot.

Valeurs Nutritives
Taille de Portion
par portion
par portion
% AR*
821 kj
196 kcal
Gras Saturés
Gras Monoinsaturés
Gras Polyinsaturés
* Apport de Référence pour un adulte-type (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal)
de VQR*
(196 cal)
10% VQR
Répartition Calorique:
Glucide (72%)
Gras (13%)
Protéine (15%)
*Basé sur une VQR de 2000 calories

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