Journal de BPaula47

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10 mars 2017

Hi Happy People!
How are ya'll doing? I've kinda been skirting the shadows again lately. I've done some major..well, maybe not major..just very painful damage to myself lately. I'm not sure what the culprit was. This past weekend i processed40 lbs of chicken and i guess the constant standing, lifting and butchering did some wear and tear on my body. I've never done anything like that before, so...I should have worn my sturdy gym shoes for standing on that concrete kitchen floor. At least i think that substance is concrete. anyway, I hurt a little after that and still decided to go to yoga. well, i thought it would help. and at first it did. but it had been two weeks since we had been and i hadn't kept up with it at home so... The next day, i had pain i've never felt before. My core was "tore up from the floor up"! I'm not supposed to take any INSAADS medications so i tried to rely on Tylenol. No go. Tylenol just doesn't do it for me anymore. I had to take at least 4 500mg extra strength pills just to get a little bit of relief Finally i couldn't take it anymore and just borrowed some of my sister's generic ibueprofin (spelled it wrong, i'm sure so Advil). It was a lot better because it got to some of the inflimation in my back and upper shoulder area, but still left me in some pain. I broke down again and bought my savior Aleve. I'm ready to take one now and maybe i can get some real rest today.

no yoga next week because i have Pre-op class for the Ruin-y surgery. I actually might need that rest but when i go back i'll take it super slow. I looked up some herbal teas for help with inflimation. Ginger tea and Cranberry and Rose hips are the best it seems. So, i'll have to stock my pantry with that and start using them on the daily to get my body used to them and get their effects built up for before and after surgery. because i've been told that Advil and Aleve are a gigantic no-no. (heavy sigh)

Lol! Bending down is a challenge and my poor cat think's i'm trying to torcher him when i feed him. It takes forever for me to get his tray to the floor so he can eat. this morning he decided to let me know about it by standing up on his hind legs and trying to grasp the tray himself. at least i think tha'ts what he was trying to do. Well, it didn't work. all he managed to do was dump the tray, his dish and cat food all over the floor. he must have been super duper hungry cause he started eating it off the floor. Now, that's something Mr. persnickety never does. ah well. We'll see how he feels about lunch today...on the try or the floor. didn't make me happy. I had to clean up what he didn't eat. More bending. Cats!

Peace and love, FS Family

06 mars 2017

Hi. FS, first let me say that this is water weight cause it's that time. So not stressing it. I've been on this roller coaster before.

second, it's been busy around here. I've had to find a new pharmacy because my mail order pharmacy no longer works with my pension related insurance. that's been fun. I'm gonna miss them. I had nuvixus and they were great! they were the ones who introduced me to Scriptalk, a device that when tagged or coded will read the information from a micro chip placed on the bottom of your prescription bottles. I've only had this for about three years or so, but it just made things sooo much easier Before that, i had to rely on my poor sister remembering to read the prescriptions to me so i could use a labeling system that well...let's face it...sometimes i forgot. Too iffy. so i had to find a pharmacy that would offer me this service because i refuse to go back and give it up. Walgreen's to the rescue! Kroger wouldn't even consider it. I think you have to pay to join Scriptalk's service. Not sure about that so don't quote me. then i had to see if Walgreen's would do the 3-month supply program...yes, kinda they do. You can get your prescriptions three months at a time if your insurance will pay for it and if your doctor will write the prescription that way. but no, you don't get the one month discount for doing way. I'm gonna miss that. instead of paying for all three months, i would just have to pay my co-pay on two months. Kroger did do that, so i give them credit for it. Next was, hey Walgreen's, do you carry auto-safty needles for the insulin pens? Ummmm...don't know yet. I'll find that out later today. Lord, i hope so. I've been told that only one pharmacy in Lansing has them and i was using them until Nuvixus (who provided them happily). so, praying that Walgreen's can make it happen. After all, it has been about three years or so...progress in pharmaseudical procedure? dare i pray for it? side note, i asked the receptionist while i was on the phone with her, what my cost would be for the insulin without insurance. (They don't have my insurance info yet) she said oh about $430 some odd dollars. Was that for three months, i ask. NOPE! Yikes!

I spent the weekend processing about 40 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breast for my freezer. I found out about this service called Zaycon Fresh that delivers farm fresh meats to a location near you. You have to pre-order online and then go pick it up. they have these ridiculous discounts on meat! I wondered about it at first until i did some more research on it. so, i got my first order (or part of my first order) and you have to cut and trim these breasts cause they straight from the chicken to you. they were pretty clean, but whole...i mean breasts and tenders and even some membrane from where they removed the skin. I'm just glad i didn't have to pluck the darned things. anyway, i packaged up 10 lbs for deep freezer storage, cooked 10 lbs to shred and have on hand for easy meals and the other 20 lbs i'm making into freezer meals. I got some cool recipes online...okay on youtube...but they're really good ones. but i forgot that the You-tubers i got them from have large families. so these meals are huge! I'm gonna have to break them down a little next time for lone single chica. so far, i've got two recipes equaling four bags packed and frozen. I've got three more to go and for dinner tonight...chicken Enchilada bake. Yum. this haul should last me about a year, i'm thinking considering i have a 40 lbs shipment of ground turkey coming and about 16 lbs of italian sausage, too. Yep, i'm good on meat for at least a year. now, i can focus on putting my grocery budget to work on some other things i need to compile like stocking my poor, empty pantry of staples.

Peace and love ya'l. One montyh! wonde how much it would cost in Canada...
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
172,3 kg 7,9 kg 13,6 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   Ajouter Commentaire Prenant 2,3 kg par Semaine

23 février 2017

Hi F. S.

Finally went back to the Dietician and got myself weighed in. the session was okay, but i'm realizing JUST how much i'm really gonna have to change what and how i eat. i had the concept in my head but my execution will need drastic overhauling. Louise basically said that i will have to start thinking of just the protein part of my meals as my meals and not just part. Then and only then if i have any room left i can add some veggies first, then any decent carbs i would want. This is too much like Atkins. I like meat, but i wasn't a big meat eater and now i'm gonna have to incorporate more of it into my food plan. Luckily, i do love me some turkey and chicken. but i'm very ambivalent on beef. I can eat ground and beef stew meat, so that's something. I'm more partial to buffalo. I definitely need more fish, too.

Then she says i should really get rid of the corn...I LOVE corn. One of my fav dishes is called Three sisters Stir Fry. It's a Native style dish and its centered around corn, beans (my fav pinto) and squash summer or zucchini) and then anything else i want. Now i usually try to substitute for whatever it is i'm giving up, but...there's just no substitute for corn. Urgh! Well, at least she didn't tell me to give up my corn tortillas...yet.

Okay, i have made some good changes. I've let go of Schwan's. They've made allot of changes including my driver and i'm not all that crazy about their prices now. Plus they've gotten away from allot of the things i like to eat. so, it's one more order to get a few things i the mashed cauliflower and the garlic kale mix and then Adios.

I've even found a good...and i mean a freakin' fabulous...way to get fresh, quality meat at great prices. i found out about a company called Zaycon Fresh last month. I'm a Youtube junky and one of the "tubers' i follow is an influencer for the company Well, it worked, she influenced me and i signed up. i think it was the extra 20% discount she gave a code for that did it. so, i purchased a 40 lbs case of chicken breasts, a 40 lbs case of ground turkey and a 16 lbs case of Italian sausage. the last two items are prepacked and frozen, but the chicken is fresh. so, i'll have to process it for myself. my plan is to divide it into bags of 4-10 lbs each (well, actually, they do that for you) and do something different with each one. so i have 1 bag to cook and shred or cube for instant chicken dishes, 1 bag to trim and store as whole breasts in vacuum sealed packages, 1 bag to divide in half (1/2 to turn into tenders & nuggets and the other to grind in the vita mixer) and the last bag is to be divided into Freezer meals. I pic up my first order at the beginning of March. The deep freezer will be packed by April (the second part of the order) and i'll be set for at least a year...i hope. that 20% off was only fir your first order as a new person but it doesn't end until March 31st. Darn it. I hear they have other good discounts on select products though. so i'll keep my eyes peeled.

I've been researching Freezer to crock pot meals ala paleo and have some good ones. I'll put up at least 8 freezer meals this time and if i like it, will increase the next time i do this.

so, that should help with the economics of it all and the "good lord, what am i having for -------?" times.

Oh yeah, i didn't forget. Yea! 5.7 lbs gone! Whoooo hooo! (smile)

Have a good one, Ya'll. Peace and love.
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
168,7 kg 11,5 kg 10,0 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (5 commentaires) Perdant 0,8 kg par Semaine

31 janvier 2017

hi Hi!

we finally made it back to yoga today. I really missed it after three weeks of being away from it. never want to do that again. My body is so sore. I missed the socialness of it too. Didn't expect that.

My eating was off the charts today. Couldn't explain why...well, i have some idea but i don't think that it's the complete reason. i'm making a list of things that happened when i was young and so i'm sure that contributed to the eating, but i was also just genuinely very hungry today. i started off just eating protein with a little starch and that didn't seem to fill the bill. I'm not going to worry about it too much. tomorrow is the goal here.

Oh yes and i am healing from some infection so that could have allot to do with it too. Que Serah.

I've been getting in allot of water too so that should help flush out all that fat. Okay, Paula, your obsessing. Stop.

Stopping. Let's go see what you guys have been up to.


30 janvier 2017

Hi FS.

It has been quite awhile since i've posted an entry. the last two months were very hard emotionally and i didn't want to come up here and spew allot of negativeness. so i thought it best to just refrain until i could get my head together. I'm bouncing back and starting to feel like myself...the self i like...again. So here i am.

I hope and pray everyone had the best Holiday they could have and that this year's been good to you so far.

I was able to record my losses (and gains) over the past few weeks, but wasn't able to celebrate them then. i reached another small milestone on the surgery track i'm on. I had my first BMI last week. I haven't analyzed the numbers yet but just getting to the point where they felt it advantageous to take it was a good feeling. this .1 loss is a bonus because i wasn't expecting it. Just so long as my numbers go down on a regular basis, i'll be okay. I've got two clearances to go through before i have my surgical consult so nothing has been scheduled yet.

my therapy is...well...going. My Dr. is ready to start working on technique. she calls it EPMD and it reminds me a little of EFT (if you're familiar with that). Basically, you use your nervous system to help you deal with past trauma by shifting your eyes from side to side in a rhythmic sequence during a session where you recount memories. . that's mostly what i know since i haven't experienced it yet. Dr. was waiting on some equipment she would need to work with me and to work around my blindness and my particular situation. Done and we're ready. i think. she is anyway.

Okay, enough from me. I'm sending you all Blessings and positive thoughts. Peace.
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
171,3 kg 8,9 kg 12,6 kg Mal
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