Journal de BPaula47

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07 novembre 2016

Hi. F. S.

Well, I’ve lost those five water weight pounds and I’m back where I was about two weeks ago, I think. Alright, I’ll take that. I’ve got two more weeks of weight Loss clinic before going back on Surgery track and I think I’m ready this time. Thanks to the dietitian, toddy, I’m armed with what I’m supposed to be doing. So, I’m satisfied with that. All and all, I think I made good progress. I’ve actually lost the 20 lbs they originally said I’d need to show them I could loose when I first started there when I weighed 408 lbs. I’m actually ahead of my game. My exercise routine is well, it IS! Before I had no idea what the heck I was doing. And I’m still working on my emotions. I did well, today, I think not getting too excited about this 5 lbs. I know it’s water so…but at least I’m back where I was and not higher than I was. I just need to work off this 2.3 and I’ll be at goal weight.

Praying that you all have a wonderful day.
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
173,4 kg 6,8 kg 14,7 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (2 commentaires) Perdant 2,3 kg par Semaine

06 novembre 2016

Hi gang!

Had a much better day today. woke up feeling a little blue still, but was determined to shake it off today. So, i made sure i got my workout in. I took suggestions up here and watched three comedy specials including an old one from wanda Sikes that i hadn't seen before. I laughed so hard i think i disturbed my upstairs neighbors. i looked up a few songs on the youtube and danced a little. i finally got to talk to that friend i tried to call yesterday and i ate well and without guilt today. Over all, a pretty good recovery day. i even got in a chapter of a good book i've read before and am reading again, a fun scie fi novel by Lois Masters bujou.

I think i'm ready for the scale tomorrow. I'm syking myself up to not let what it says get me overly emotional...unless it's good news.

Oh, i tried to find one of the documentaries someone mentioned up here, but had no luck. I did find one on HBO about the science of weight loss. It was a quickie doc and what i got out of it was that your body is sometimes...most times, bound and determined to keep you at the weight it's used to and that's why it can be hard to maintain weight loss, especially if you try to go back to your old eating habits. the doc said it works that way for heavy people as well as slender people. the body wants to maintain not let go of weight. so what i got was that i'm going to have to keep a good monitor on my food intake for...well, ever. and i may need to increase my exercise on a regular basis and not get complacent so basically, it's pretty much what they have been telling me at the Clinic, 'this is a life time commitment"; a race for the long haul and not a sprint. Okay.
got it.

take care, ya'll. I'm sending out prayers and blessings. have a great week.

05 novembre 2016

I’m not doing so well. Horrible day today. Not sure what’s going on or I should say what triggered this. Been sad all day and eating crazy. Lots of memories I can’t handle I think and crying. Did some behaviors I haven’t done in years. Lots of shame.

I know I’m coming off cycle time and this time of year but it shouldn’t have brought all this down on me. I didn’t even get my weight training in today. Forgot all about it.

Tried to shake it off with music and Lego twice. It worked for awhile. All this therapy stuff. I don’t think I can handle it. Thought I could. I think it’s too much with trying to control my food issues and worrying about surgery soon and then all these memories coming at me. Too much.

I was feeling some anger too…at my nephew in law, at people in general who mistreat others for profit (Dakota Pipeline owners and Kidney stealing Dr’s in India) and feeling helpless, too. Not much I can do about either of these situations. Need to stop watching so much news, maybe.

Okay, think positive…let’s see I did take all my meds and did all my self care (miracle upon miracles). What else? No drinking or ordering in contraban food. I didn’t completely carb out. I ate my two weight loss meals like I was supposed to. I called a friend (not home). I jurnaled what I ate, exactly. I’m doing this which is…well, I didn’t want to at first, but I did it. That’s it…all I can think of.

Only thing I haven’t tried is sleeping it off. So that’s next after writing up food meal plan for tomorrow. Kinda don’t see the point since I’m always changing it from screwing up, but I’ll do it anyway. tomorrow will be better…right?

Good night.

04 novembre 2016

Hi, hi, Hi gang.

How’s every little thing?

I’m a little ho hum tonight. This time of the year sometimes gets me down. It’s gonna be a tough one this year, too. The family seems to all have issues and things going on that are a little daunting. we're all missing my big brother. It's been little over a year since he passed away. I thought last Holiday time was tough without him. this one seems like it's gonna be worse. A marriage is possibly breaking up, two of my nephews are struggling to find their way becoming young men and Karen and I are struggling with food. She can’t seem to move the scale and get her eating habits in order and I am just struggling to stay on the plan I set for myself. The holidays make me crave those comfort foods my Mama used to make years ago. They are traditions in our family and the younger ones want to stick to them, but I just can’t. I feel bad for them. Here it is we grew up with all this tradition around this time of year and now we have to change the game on them. We’ve decided not to have a big dinner this year and instead go to the movies. We haven’t told the kids yet (my youngest niece and nephews). Well, one of them is 21 and I don’t think he’ll care much, but the other is just 18 and he loved Christmas and thanksgiving dinners. He’s just old enough to remember what they used to be like. But I can’t do it any more and still stay within my calorie count. I don’t have that discipline down yet. Too new with all this.

I have gotten to the point where I’m honest about what I eat on meal plan even when I veer from it. I count it and if that means I’m done eating for the day without having eaten what I was supposed to, oh well. Today is a good example. I indulged and I am going to be real about it and count it cause other wise what’s the point of doing this? Oh Lord, I’m rambling.

Okay, on a more positive note, I got my treadmilling in, half an hour straight through, no stopping. Happy about that. I’m ready for my dumbbell workout tomorrow, too. Wow, look at that! The thing I thought would be the hardest for me is actually shaping up, my exercise routine. Okay, so on staying positive, my clothes are fitting better. I just noticed that today. So things aren’t as gloomy as I first thought.

…and this too, shall pass.

Good night ya’ll. I’m sending you blessings, prayers, peace and love.

03 novembre 2016

Evening, F. S.

I’m a little tired this evening. How are ya’ll doing?

Let’s see…what’s going on? Well, turns out I’m wrong about this theory I had that my C-pap machine was helping with my blood pressure stats. Turns out it was my cycle time that was doing it. I’ve seen it before, but I was just hoping…I mean I actually achieved a few days with a normal blood pressure reading. This usually happens around cycle time and when I’m drinking my Hibiscus and rosehips tea on a reg basis. I haven’t had the tea in awhile now. Even on medication, my pressures land somewhere in the 130’s to 140’s over the mid to high 70’s. My digital machine calls it mild to moderate hypertension”. Runs in my family, I’m afraid. I still think it has something to do with my being a shallow breather, too. . There’s this company called Resper-8 that has a breathing treatment they offer to help with regulating blood pressure instead of popping pills. I was hoping the C-pap would mimic this machine since the c-pap is paid for byh insurance and the resper-8 would not be covered. It’s not a “proven” remedy for Hypertension. Ahh, well.there’s always tea.

When we were in yoga class the other day, the instructor, Debrah, mentioned to me that she had seen a ted talk from a guy who was blind and using sound to aid him in “seeing”. Apparently, he uses a series of clicks that he makes with his tongue to bounce sound off objects and the like. I tried to find it on ted talks but couldn’t. found some other great talks about blindness though. Anyway, I mentioned it to my therapist and she gave me a dog Clicker. I had never heard of such a thing. She explained that trainers use it to teach the dogs like Pavlov and all that. She told me I should try it to see if I could use sound to help me.

Now I should tell you that since I lost my sight when I was older, I’m not so great at mobility always. I have my issues. Mostly gauging distance. There’s this thing called “loom” and what it is is the feeling you get if you would close your eyes and walk towards any solid obstacle like a wall. That “shadow” or throw back feeling is what I use to work out distances. Well, it doesn’t always go so well. It depends on how I am that day. Is my Dyslexia acting up? Am I tired, mad, hungry or just plain old distracted? And since I’ve moved, I have three tricky spots in the new place that pop up for me. I end up bumping into either a corner wall or the counter that seperates my kitchen from the living and dining rooms. Also, the large open space that is my livingroom leading into the little alcove of my front door. So I tried the dog clicker to see if I could get audible distinction in these three places and Yep, it worked. I have to perfect it a little more especially during those “I’m not at my best” times, but generally, it works. I didn’t think it would with me. Even though I am very susceptible to following sound, I haven’t had much practice in using it to direct me away from things. Usually, I’m walking towards any sound I hear which in it’self can be a bad idea. I could tell you stories…

So now, I walk around my house with the dog clicker around my neck an yea, no more bumping into the wall, counter or closet door. Swweeeeetttt!

Now, if I could just get my cat to stop running in front of me when I’m walking on his “Me first” flights into the bedroom, things would be just about perfect.

Oh yeah, I guess big C-pap brother is really watching me, lol. I fell asleep last night reading and forgot to get all hooked up with the C-pap machine. So I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose (cpap is good for clearing sinuses) and no time logged on the machine. I’m still in “We're watching ya" mode for the insurance company. I have about two weeks to go I think. Anyway, guess who called me? The medical supply place where I got the machine. It was a nice little automated message saying, “hey we see you didn’t log in your required four hours today. What gives? Do you need assistance? Just give us a call and we’ll figure this out.” Okay, that’s not exactly how they put it, but that’s what it meant. Look out NSA, Heart Medical supply is coming for your job! I love it. Anyway I am sufficiently chastised and will be hooking myself up for bedtime tonight.

Hey, this might come in handy for those times when we can’t stop a binge from taking over. Could you imagine? Your fridge is wired to a central location that monitors what and when you’re eating. Just as you’re opening the fridge to snag another piece of unnecessary cheese, the phone rings. “Hello, this is Overeaters alert system, please step away from the refrigerator and leave the kitchen. You have overindulged. Did you really need that last piece of cheddar cheese? I think not.”

Okay, maybe not such a good idea. I’d get really annoyed, but maybe I’d stop scarfing down excess chunks of cheese. Hmmmm. What was the name of that movie where the house was wired to computers and one of the computers decided it wanted to reproduce so it practically kidnapped the housewife and impregnated her. Does anyone remember this? Eeks!

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