Journal de dave22

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12 mai 2008

On a chicken wing and a prayer....

I declare... if anyone tells me that chicken wings are bad I think that life as I know it would end.. they are a life saver these days. In fact ya can imagine at our first Holy Communion Party over the weekend... with gaiety and chat and eatin and drinkin and the piano being played and songs being sung and people doing their party pieces... some playing the piano.. others on the guitar... bit of poetry then when they called for "Davy - give us an oul song there..." and I dunno but as I stood up, cleared me throat and started ...

"Ohhhhhhh Danny boyyyyyyy the "bourk" the "borrrkk" are callin'.... from glen to "bourrrkk" and ....." this was of course accompanied by a strange involuntary jerking of the neck and frequent elbow flappin'.

Some fainted.... other yelled "Outrage...." whilst the older and wiser simply nodded and agreed in hushed tones... "He's on the wings again"

Meanwhile... childern were in and out from the bouncy castle...Can I get a drink... My foot hurts.... Johnnys being mean to me.... I found knickers on the grass (actually happened yesterday!!!!)...

Funny thing happen when we made these fairy cakes using spenda instead of sugar etc... and in fairness they did look different to the ordinary cakes but we fed one to the dog with no ill effects then one to our 14yr old human dustbin where it received a crumbly muffled response of "can I have a pop tart too!" So we thought Great something healthy... and left them.... an hour later I just laughed as granma informed us that she "cheered up those cakes" by covering them with icing/frosting... made of course from copious amounts of real sugar... ah well...

Anyhoodle - Tiernan made his communion, the afters were brilliant, I did not break... (completely! but YES!!!! I had the tweeniest morsel of homemade carrot cake - but I only did it so that certain OTHER people in here...[you know who you are] didn't get too far ahead of me in the naughty stakes... and its been SOOOOO long since I've felt guilty, I was nearly missing it!)

I have lost another lb this week... very slow...very steady... nothing dramatic but its going in the right direction anyway... Now only 1 lb away from the psychological landmark of 12 and a half stone.. I wanna break that this week...

Had my first jog today to make up for the carrot cake... there are NO more parties or sessions planned for the forseeable... so its time for some totally savage atkins activity now... [whispering - especially as 'herself' never even touched the the carrot cake..or the mile high chocolate cake or the pavlova or the feckin brownies (I thought she would break with them) or even with..... yes you guessed it our neighbours now famous "Apple crumble". By the end of the night we made sure that all desserts were eaten or given away... no temptation left...

A very happy belated Mothers Day to you all. We had our Mothers Day some time back over here... but tis easy to see from what has been written... the wonderful blessings that most have reveived from the oul Ma... and how in turn you are passing it along.. the golden thread of goodness in the fabric of this oul life of ours.. hoping that you all had a significant day...

Ohhhh its nice to journal again...but its hungry work isint it.... now where O where did I leave those chicken wings...!
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
80,3 kg 5,4 kg 10,4 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (23 commentaires) Perdant 0,5 kg par Semaine

09 mai 2008

06 mai 2008

Well... the long weekend is done the results are in and the verdict is that according to my calulations (or lies! no honestly am boringly straight) the result is One win, One Loss and One draw.

The Win... I didn't gain!

The loss.. I am out of ketosis (grrr)

The draw.. I didn't lose any either

So even with our visitors from the UK and a million chorus's of "Will ya not have a pint!" and me screaming back.... "Can ya not see that I have me pint glass full of Vodka!" I did not break. So no beer and no plum crumble (WHY was it ever brought into our house, was hard enough last time!) and several salmon salads later it kinda feels like a victory cause trying to stay faithful to the Atkins creed was forever formost on me mind... I even had visions of receiving a visit from the willowy form of Dr. Atkins Past and him sayin' "if only I had known you sooner davy, it might have all have been so different, those atkins guinness bars MIGHT have been invented after all" then I wake up shaking me fist into the air with tears rollin down me cheeks (face cheeks that is).

This next weekend Tiernan is making his first holy communion which for those of you in the holy roman apostolic faith will know that it will be ANOTHER bloody weekend of desserts and drinks and sweets and cakes and rosary beeds and "Isint he lovely" and "shouldn't he have worn a tie" and aunt maggie with her mandatory loud voice" IT WAS ALL DIFFERENT IN MY DAY" (yes aunt maggie - you didn't have running water) " WE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE RUNNING WATER YOU KNOW" (yes aunt maggie - and you worked in the fields all day) "WE WORKED FROM DAWN TO DUST YOU KNOW" (yes aunt maggie - would you like a sweet sherry) "YES". Chuckles... don't ya just love a challenge.

Sarah and two of the boys are off school this week, but he who must be fed unending quantities of food or (Conor 14)IS at school so like the brave soldier that I am, I said that I'd go in late to work and drop Conor off on my way so as to save them all getting up early on their holiday (I REALLY should have been a teacher!) anyway it means that journaling will be kinda haphazzard this week.

Now off to read as much as I can before me office here is invaded again....

Isint the weather only GORGEOUS!....

06 mai 2008

Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
80,7 kg 5,0 kg 10,9 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   Ajouter Commentaire poids stable

02 mai 2008

Well this will be my last day in here until next Tuesday at least because we have a bank holiday weekend here in the land of thatch, heather and bog.

However after a sneaky step on the scales last night (I know, I know we shouldn't peek!) anyhow I can predict now what will happen at my Sunday night weekly weight in. I will probably dance into the bathroom to the music of the can can..... disrobe to the music of Patricia the stripper dangling various pieces of apparel before flicking them away...I shall stifle a chuckle as I step merrily onto the scales where upon the scales shall open up and an artificial boot shall arise and kick me in the gut! lol... its not looking too good after last nights peek! And then ya start the inquest! The taste tribunal... was it this, is it that... maybe it was the 3 lousey cahew nuts every night!! My expectations are too high, thats it - but I did everything right! maybe I had too Much protein! should I add another 3 miles to me walk... and in the end, I suppose that the only thing I really need to add is time, and liberal sprinlings of patience... for VERILY IT WAS WRITTEN SO.. that whomsoever dost be faithful to the cause... shall prevail (or more appropriate words to that effect...)

So we will see and I'll let ya know Tuesday.

Now before anyone else nearly has a seizure from laughter at my expense...coughs... I am sorry for not knowing what TOM was!!!!! am a simple normal guilt ridden irish catholic boy living in the bog and I had spent ages going through options.. "Well its NOT OWL, its not induction.... maybe its Tomatoes Over Mushrooms ... or maybe its code for Trample Oversized Men, Maybe TOM is the Godfather of Atkins, etc etc... so I took one of my yellow tablets and asked the silly dumb question in all my naivity "Whats TOM"..... slaps head...what a doofus! And sincere thanks to those very quick witted Folk who tried to give me the immediate heads up! 'preciate it...

Yesterdays gobfulls consisted of...
a bowl of my breakfast brulee (am just being fancy with the name!)
mix of sugar free jelly and cream cheese, mixed spice, nugmeg, ginger, cinnamon a dollop of cream and a dribble of vanilla mixed and left to set... 2.7g per 1/4 pint serving.

Cabbage and mushroom mixed with mayo a chopped fine bean and bacon bits, and a beefburger

Two lamb chops

chicken wings, slice of cheese, another small helping of that breakfast thingy and finally a partridge on a pear tree (or 3 cashew nuts - whichever is more believeable.)

Am off now to TRY get around everyones journal.. one of my VERY favourite things...

Thanks you one and all for everything this week... have a spiffingly great weekend...

Adh Mór...


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