Journal de LostKittenRae

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13 juillet 2010

Well there's really not much to tell about from yesterday to this morning... I went to the Jewelry repair shop after work and got the pic Justin gave me after the show made into a charm like I had planned... and then I went to an art shop called Michael's and picked out some nice beads to make a necklace out of the pic. I hung a small sterling silver "7" charm with the pic because July is the month me and Justin met :) well and it's the month of the show the pic came from... so much significance to this number "7", hehe. I'm going to post a picture of the necklace on my profile here on FatSecret in the "Pics" Group.

Anyways, it kind of took awhile to put the necklace together because the string was being difficult but after I got done I dragged my lazy ass to the gym again... now I only did 6 miles on the elliptical and burned 700 calories, but the significance of my 6 miles is I did it a level higher then I usually do and I did it all inside of an hour, which on a normal day I can only make 5 and a half... and you wouldn't think that extra half a mile would be THAT hard to fit into the hour but it seriously is... so sure it wasn't no 13 or 15 miles but it's alot better then the zero miles I wanted to do... I also spent alot of time towards the weights last night and so all and all I'd say that's not too bad since I did the 14 miles yesterday. I don't want to kill myself here, lol.

Now I'm still stuck at this "158" mark as my official weight right now, but I have very high hopes to bring that down by the end of the week. We'll see if I can make it happen.

Oh I almost forget to tell you guys... every morning I go into this coffee shop across the street from work to get coffee and this morning this older gentleman open the door for me... and so I moved to the side and started looking for my wallet so I could let him go first and so I could find my wallet to buy my coffee... I forgot that I had left it in my glove compartment of my car from going to the gym, because I don't bring my whole purse when I go to the gym (I have to park far away from where I work)... so as I was searching the same guy bought my coffee also... which was just super sweet, because he was so much older, so you know he did it simply out of the kindness of his heart, not to gain anything by doing it... it just really meant alot... it's so nice when random people look out for each other... my coffee will taste that much better all day because of that gesture :)

I hope everyone has a beautiful day!!! :)
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
71,7 kg 7,3 kg 5,9 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (4 commentaires) poids stable

12 juillet 2010

Bleh it's Monday again... only four more days till the weekend :P hehe... sahweet! I had a pretty nice weekend. Justin, me, and a big group of Justin's friends went out on Friday night to celebrate Mike's birthday. We went to the more expensive side of town out in Scottsdale... we started at a this Sushi place... I've only had Sushi one other time in my life and I didn't think it rocked that much... but the Sushi at this place was absolutely incredible... it tasted sooooooo good!!! It was such a pleasant experience for my taste buds. It was so insanely expensive though... I mean I can't believe how much money this group spent while we were there... thank goodness Justin looks out for me and always pays... I feel like they spent my whole months bills while we were there... I mean it was pretty crazy. I've been trying to cut back on my alcohol consumption so I resisted getting any while we were at the Sushi place...

Then we carried on to this fancy dance club where the music kind of sucked... it was soooo expensive there too... and everyone was pretty and perfect, it was very intimidating, I do not dig the Scottsdale area they are not "my kind of people", lol. It was pretty ridiculous being so sober while I was there... more then half our group was drunk and Justin kept offering to buy me a drink so finally I was like "ah what the hell" lol... so I let him buy me a drink which helped soooo much! lol. Once I had 2 drinks, I'm not sure if the music got better or if it's just because I was less sober but I definitely started having a better time. Justin ended up going with me on the dance floor and we got to dance for a few songs... I absolutely LOVE dancing with him, and honestly I didn't think I'd get a chance to dance with him again for a very long time because I had screwed things up by getting too drunk the time before this. So I was soooo pleasantly surprised when we was willing to dance with me. We had such a great time... he's the hottest dancer ever.

Anyways, I had to head home early on Saturday because my mum is out of town for the week so I'm needing to take care of all of our pets. So I went home and fed them and took care of a bunch of chores. I tried to pick out the perfect dress for Justin's band's show on Saturday night but in the end I wasn't very satisfied with my choice... oh well, I'll dress cuter next time. I headed back over to Justin's end of town in time to ride with him and Tom to the show... the show was amazing. We had such a great time. This was there best show yet, they had the most turn out the band has ever had, and people were actually up and dancing... it was so exciting.

So most times when Justin has a show he gives me the pic that he played with on his bass guitar. The two that he's given me in the past I took to a jewerly shop and had made into charms so I could wear them on this silver chain I have. They're both the color yellow and he knew I had been wanting a different color, so he played the first set of the show with a green pic because he knows green is my favorite color and then gave it to me... see this is especially sweet of him because yellow pics actually feel different to him when he plays, so he really went out of his way to play with a green one :)... he totally melts my heart. I'm going to go get the pic made into a charm after work today and creat a new necklace with it, I'm pretty excited :)

I had to leave early Sunday for the same reason again, I had to get home to take care of the pets. My friend Tim and I seemed to have worked our drama out and are still going to remain friends, so we had lunch together and had a nice conversation. Once I got home from hangin out with Tim I got my lazy ass up and went to the gym. I really wanted to do 15 miles, I was truly pushing for it but at the end of 14 I just couldn't drag myself another mile, so I only did 14 miles on the elliptical which still burned 1,585 calories, which is still good I think. I'm hoping to finish a few quick chores when I get home from work and then hit the gym again, maybe for just a half work out though, like 6 miles... we'll see what happens.

So it was only for one morning, so I'm not like taking it for real for real right now... but on Saturday morning I did touch "155" on Justin's scale... I mean it didn't last long and it might be a little while before I see it again because it was the lowest end of my fluctuation right now... but the fact that a scale even said "155" with my body standing on it totally throws me for a loop... the idea that "155" could one day be my official weight is so mind boggeling... I mean I know my goal is "145" so it's like "of course you have to see '155'" but I guess I never really planned on making it this far... I just can't wait till it's official enough to count as a weigh in on this site. That'll be soooo bad ass.

Well I better wrap this up and get my butt back to working. I hope everyone had a great weekend :) Don't work too hard this week.

Lots of love <3

09 juillet 2010

Work has just been crazy lately... I miss coming on FatSecret and being more interactive with everyone but time has not been allowing me... I didn't even get a chance to do my journal entry yesterday it's been so busy... stupid new phone system...

Anyways, I'm not sure that I really had that much to write about yesterday... I guess I probably would have told you guys we didn't end up going to Mike's on Wednesday night for a movie because it was Mike's birthday... so he was out and actually met up at Justin's house with us later in the night... Tom, Shawn, Justin, and Me ended up playing Dominion again for the majority of the night... I won another game of it :) and when playing a game that involves alot of stradegy with a bunch of engineers that have bacholer degrees... you tend to feel kind of high on your own skill... hehe especially because I'm not very well known for my intelligence, but boy can I strategize in a card game... lol. That was a really nice night... I love getting to sleep next to Justin, there's just nothing better in this world.

As for yesterday, well not much to write about there either... I was way tired from staying up too late with the boys the night before... so I was thankful I made it through work... did a little grocery shopping... and when I got home, it was a shower, a bite to eat, and straight to bed... I was super tired. I really only got a few hours because I had to get up early to drive my mum to the airport this morning... I'm just so happy it's Friday again.

I'm uber uber excited for tomorrow night for two very special reasons. The first is because Justin's band, Save Kenny, is playing their show tomorrow night. It's going to be soooooo AWESOME! They're so amazing when they play their shows... Justin is so incredibly talented... he plays the base guitar and back up sings... his voice is amazing... he always totally takes my breath away and makes me weak in the knees when he sings...

The second reason I'm super excited... is as of tomorrow Justin and me will have known eachother for a full year :)... when I think back to what my life was like before he came around it seriously scares me... I mean he really turned things around for me... he's given me so much strength, inspiration, hope, encouragement... he's given me just so much I don't know how I could ever repay him... I had so much chaos and drama in my life and like some kind of super hero he magically eliminated all of it... and it's never really came back... maybe little glimpses but never sevre and never as long lasting... I'm gonna tear up in a minute here if I keep typing about this... let just say I'm a really really lucky girl to have a best friend like him... no one could ever hope or ask for anyone better then him.

Oh so a couple of key points I should be telling you guys about... one is I've been having a hard time having my scale at home read "158"... Justin's scale reads it every time I'm over, but my home scale keeps reading "160"... but this morning it read "158" so that makes it a lot more solid in my mind.

Also, while I was grocery shopping at Walmart yesterday I decided to try on a pair of jeans I saw in the Juniors Department... and it may have just been the brand or something... but I definitely squeezed into a size 11... they looked amazing with me standing up... but they wouldn't have been as awesome when I was sitting down... so I decided not to get them... but the fact that a size 11 even got up my fat thighs, wrapped around my huge waiste, AND buttoned and zipped close is not anything I've ever even contemplated in my life time... I mean when I was a kid it was like I jumped from being a kid to being obese, I never got to have those smaller sizes... never got to experience what it would be like to fit into a size 11... I still got a ways to go before I'll be able to actually purchase a size 11... but I'd say it's safe to say I'm heading in the right direction...

Also as the days have gone on my size 13's that I recently bought haven been fitting more comfortably and my size 15's don't feel or look right on me at all anymore... which half makes me sad because I really liked my size 15 jeans lol... they were cute... but it's for the greater good, hehe...

Well I hope everyone has had a great week... have an awesome weekend, and don't do anything I wouldn't do >.>


(FYI The sizes talking about above are U.S. sizes)lots of love <3

07 juillet 2010

Well I've been having a little friend drama with my movie buddy Tim but I guess we're sort of working it out... I have the worse luck with people... At least I have Justin and of course all you beautiful people on FatSecret ;) hehe...

Justin was really there for me last night... I really thought me and Tim were done for and was pretty torn up about it... and Justin was totally there for me and let me come over and spend the night hanging out with him and Tom... Tim ended up texting me a little later in the night and like I said I guess we're sort of working it out to salvage our friendship... but I really hate drama, so that's gonna have to simmer down a bit. Justin helped me work on my resume for awhile, and then him, me, and Tom played Dominion for a couple of hours... I really dig that card game, and I actually won one, so that was pretty exciting!

The best part of all of this, is tonight is "Justin Night" also becoming know as "Movie Night" formally known as "Trivia Night", hehe... you guys keeping up here :P... So that means I get to sleep in Justin's bed two nights in a row :) and I'm not gonna lie that totally rocks! lol... He gives the best hugs, especially when he knows I'm down about something, they're extra sweet hugs.

Anyways, this does unfortunately mean I will not be making it to the gym, but I am trying to be careful with my calorie counting right now, and we'll see if I can't make it over on Friday night after work... no promises... I just have to see how the week plays out.

I hope everyone had a great day!!! Lot of love <3

06 juillet 2010

Well I epically failed my diet this weekend... I haven't had that much red on my food log since I started this site... I mean I dunno what to say... I wasn't really feeling it...

I never did make it to the gym on Friday... I went out with Justin and friends... I acidently got a bit too drunk, so that didn't even end up being very much fun... it really just led to nonsense... I think I'm gonna cut back on beer for awhile... maybe just one or two for the next little bit...

Saturday was alright, Justin took me out for lunch before I went home and then I did hit the gym for a little while... I wanted to do a full work out but I guess my body was worn out from all the calorie intake the day before, so I only did 9 miles on the elliptical and some weights...

Sunday my movie friend Tim and I went and saw The Last Airbender and Eclipse, they were both awesome movies... I left a little later in the evening to head back over to Justin's end of town and we watched Fire works together... that was a nice experience, it was just the two of us... well and the tons of other people sitting in the grass around us... but I mean, just the two of us in terms of people we know, lol. When we got back to the house Justin, Stu, Mike, Tom, and me played this card game called Dominion long into the night... it was a fun game...

Then Monday was especially nice... I got to spend most of the day with Justin... we went to Olive Garden with Mike for lunch and then Justin took me to go see where him and all the boys work... they all work for a company that creates Microchips... I had seen the outside before, but Justin had never taken me inside to see his cubical or anything... it was a very unexpected field trip... it made me feel special that he took me to see it though... he had all the band flyers I had made so far hanging in his cubical :)... anyways, after that we came back and just hung out and played around... he played songs I know the lyrics to on his bass guitar and I made the sad attempt at singing them, hehe, it was a good time. Although, for the record, I can't sing worth shit.

After I left Justin's I went to the gym... I really didn't want to... I've never felt as lazy as I have been feeling lately... but Justin had playfully poked my belly while I was over... and although I know he didn't mean anything by it... my girl insticts kicked in and of course I took it the wrong way... but in the end it was the motivation that dragged my lazy ass to the gym... I want to make sure there's not a belly there to poke... just abs of steel :P lol... ok, well maybe not abs of steel but no beer belly would be nice... I ended up doing 15 miles on the elliptical which burned 1,700 calories... and then I did weights... I figure that's a nice big step in the right direction for making up for my failed eating over the weekend. I still have a lot of work to do though to make up for it all together and I do definitely plan to do that work... so no worries.

I hope everyone have a beautiful weekend and a nice 4th of July! Don't work too hard! Lots of love <3
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
71,7 kg 7,3 kg 5,9 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (4 commentaires) poids stable

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