Journal de LostKittenRae

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28 juin 2010

I hate mouses with back buttons... I just wrote a big long journal that got erased because my damn mouse's back button bumped my keyboard... that's just evil... whatever...

To start again... I was trying to say... my weekend was alright... I had my best work out to Date at the gym on Saturday... I did 15 miles on the elliptical, I burned 1,720 calories in doing so, and I also did my weights... Sunday wasn't quite as amazing, but I did go and do 6 miles & some weights which I figured is better then no work out at all...

The hard part is going through a long work out like I did on Saturday and not showing any results on the scale... I realise there's a good chance I gained muscle & so my weight might be holding the same at the moment, but I feel like I've hit a wall and it's a little irritating... Justin told me not to let it get me down, that it's just gonna take some time, and the rational side of me already knows this... but the emotional side that wants this weight off is just irritated... and I mean although I kept my calorie count reasonable for the weekend, I know I can do better, and so I'd kind of like to kick my own ass for not putting in better effort to keep my calorie count lower...

Today is a new week though and so we'll see if I can't do better... although I'm not gonna lie if I get offered a beer I'm not saying no... I've really been in a beer mood and I basically avoided it all weekend... so I'm not going to be able to resist even though I know it's going to add to my calorie count >.< ::slaps my own wrist:: "Bad Rae! bad!" lol... ugh ::falls over::

So on the brighter side of life I get to see see Justin's prefect face today! :) So excited! Always a high light to my other wise ridiculous life. We're gonna go make copies of the band flyer! :) I'll try to see if I can get a picture of it posted in the next day or so :)

Cute side story, Justin and my brother have the same name... and so their numbers are listed right next to eachother in my cell phone, and I meant to call my brother but called Justin instead... I hung up before it got to voice mail so I didn't know I had accidently called Justin... and he totally called me back, which I know doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's funny how the smallest things mean the absolute most... I mean the fact of the matter is that he was at work, and did not have to take the time to return the miss call right then, I probably wouldn't have even noticed on account of the fact that I mis-dialed... but he knows I don't usually call him when I know he's at work and so he was calling back to make sure everything was ok... and even though I'm a total moron for mis-dialing it totally brighten my other wise shitty day at work :) it's just nice to know if I had really needed him and called him in the middle of his work day that he'd call me back... it's something I already knew but felt good to experience, especially since I was expecting it at the time.

Well that's enough rambling from me for one journal entry... I hope everyone had a great weekend and that Monday is going smoothly! Lots of love <3

25 juin 2010

Well... the skies of my emotion are still partly cloudy... but I'm sure they might clear up alot more after work... I thankfully caught up on some much needed sleep last night, and so today after work I'll be spending time with a good friend of mine that was gone all week.

Justin's away camping with friends this weekend, so I won't get to see him till Monday, but that should leave me the time I need to catch up on my work outs that I've missed this week and get the band's new flyer done for the show that's in a couple of weeks.

I actually have an incredibly amount of things I plan to try to get done tomorrow. The first and most important of which will be a full on work out... then I need to clean, do laundry, clean the bunny's cage, do the fishes tank, go grocery shopping, drive to Kohl's & pay that bill, and some where in the middle of all that finish the band flyer. I'll probably wait and do the flyer last... get all that mounds of shit out of the way, put on some nice comfy clothes, drive to a starbucks, and finish out the flyer there. Justin and me are gonna go make the copies to start hanging them around on Monday. He's really excited about this one, he thinks it's my best flyer yet... makes me feel special... I'm pretty excited about it too, it's taken alot of detail and the angle on my She Kenny was really hard to get right but I think I rocked it anyways.

Well I usually don't come on here much during the weekends... so I'll just finish this journal out with that I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend.

24 juin 2010

23 juin 2010

Well... I did not make it to the gym last night; not that I would have made it through even a half work out if I had gone, I was so dead tired by the time I got off work... even after those 5 shots of expresson I could only just barely keep my feet movin'...

I'll tell you where I did make it though... I made it to Justin's house :) which is always the best place for me to end up. We had a short but nice night. We put a new "Alkaline Trio" Sticker on his car while we shared the last beer from the keg... aww poor keg, all gone. Then Justin and Stu gave me a ride over to Moreno's so I could get a Carne Asada Torta... probably not the best thing for my calorie counting, but certainly not the worse, and I was in desperate need of it, so I can't say I regret it. By the time we got back to Justin's I was passing out in the car... I really wanted to stay awake to spend the time with him... but I just couldn't keep my eyes open so I crashed out at around 9pm until about 1am... then when Justin came to bed he got me laughing for awhile before I could pass back out.

Some times the simple nights are the best nights... and it's ok that it was kind of short because I'm coming back over to Justin's tonight, because he's going out of town tomorrow morning for the weekend. This does mean I will not be making it to the gym again tonight, but I will most likely go on Thursday and try to catch up a little. Justin says he can really tell I'm losing the weight... but I think he's just being supportive, his opinion is the one that matters the most to me though, so if he says I'm looking thinner then rock on!

Anyways, needless to say a nightly dose of Justin is just what the doctor ordered to rid my other wise dark mood of that dark cloud that was following me around. It's cleared up quite a bit and it's looking like it's going to be a much brighter day then the last two have been. I really hope everyone else has a great day too! :)

22 juin 2010

So... I'm not gonna lie, I've had some kind of dark cloud following me around since early yesterday... don't ask me what it's from because I rarely know... or if I do know I do all I can to bury it because my feelings are usually anything but rational, so rather then be an emotional drama the best I can do is hide till the cloud goes away.

On the bright side of things, I did go to the stupid gym again yesterday, that's 3 days in a row, and if I have it my way I'll go for the 4th tonight. I do have some grocery shopping I need to do on the way home though and I need to clean the bunny's cage... but I'm hoping I can push for at least a half work out after all that's done. I only did a half work out last night but frankly we're lucky I even did that much. That dark cloud is not really making me feel motivated... it better clear up soon or I'm gonna have to create some kind of scientific weather machine to destroy it >.>
Anyways, I did 5 and a half miles on the elliptical, my 60 crunches, and weights. I also kept my calorie count ridiculously low, so rock on. Hopefully I can keep it low again today... I don't see why not, my week day schedule is my best for dieting.

Well I'm tired and very un-social right now... but I do hope everyone has a great day! :)

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