Journal de LostKittenRae

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20 juillet 2010

Well, really not that much to tell about yesterday... I didn't make it to the gym but I did start the bands new flyer... Drawing motorcycle wheels is freakin hard, lol... I'm trying to get some interesting angle on the wheel but it's not going so hot right now >.< lol... I'm gonna try to work on it some more tonight... I only have till this weekend to get this done so it's going to require extra time an effort on my part.

Work has been really stressful lately... everybody has a freakin attitude problem... I really need to get my ass in gear and start looking for a new job before I ended up fired or layed off.

On the bright side of things I had my second person notice that I'm losing weight... I think girls are a little more willing to ask then boys because I think boys are scared girls will take it the wrong way... but this girl doesn't even know me at all, we only see each other in passing in the office so there was no way she'd know I've been trying to lose weight... infact I think that's the first conversation that we've ever had and she asked if I've lost weight and when I said yes she said it's really noticable... it made me feel really good, it's so nice when random people notice the difference... makes it more official in my mind, ya know?

I'm really looking forward to seeing Justin tomorrow... I miss him too much... I'll most likely work on the flier while I hang out there tomorrow... I'm gonna need to get more markers... maybe I can pick those up tonight.

Well I hope everyone has a great day!

19 juillet 2010

Well my weekend was alright... I got to spend Friday night with Justin which is always a wonderful thing... we went and had hotdogs for dinner with Shawn and then Tom came over and the four of us played dominion for awhile... which I lost, alot, lol. Shawn went home after the last game we played... Justin, Tom, and me went to this 24/7 game shop... Tom's been getting into Magic the Gathering, so me and Justin tagged along as supporters to Tom's new interest... the game shop was supposed to be having some kind of game going on for the Magic folk to play... but I think we got there a little late. We hung out for awhile and while we were there I ran into an old friend I haven't seen in almost 3 years... it was pretty crazy... not really someone I thought I'd ever get to see again... I'm still a little in shock from it... too much of a long story to write on here, lol.

Justin had to leave me early Saturday morning... he went on a weekend drive to Mexico with a group of friends... I was pretty bummed I couldn't go, but I don't have a passport and even if I did I have been stuck taking care of the pets till my mum gets home today, so I couldn't have gone anyways... but I love Mexico and more than that I would have loved to have been stuck in a car for hours next to Justin... but oh well, maybe another time... at least he seems to have had a good time, and that's what really matters... he sure was missed though.

After I woke up and left his house I went straight to the gym... I really really wanted to do 15 miles on the elliptical but only ended up doing 13, I just couldn't push myself those last 2 miles... my back was killing me for some reason, I still burned 1,475 calories, so that's not too bad... I also pushed through a few weights before I left... by the time I got home I was feeling pretty under the weather, so I passed out only to wake up with a killer migrane head ache a little later in the evening... I think it was caused by a combination of how ridiculously hot my house is right now and the fact that I had this intense nightmare... one of those nightmares that you feel is so real that you don't realise it was a dream until you wake up... my heart was pounding when I woke up, along with my throbbing head... so I just took some meds and dropped right back into bed...

Yesterday was a nice day for the first half of the day at least. Tim and I got lunch together and then went and saw the Sourcer's Apprentice... which, by the way, was such an awesome movie. After I got home though I had about a half a million chores to get done... it was miserable because my house is hotter then Hell... I was literally drenched in my own sweat for hours while I cleaned... but I did get it all done so whateve... I feel bad because I meant to start a new flier for the band over the weekend, but time and not feeling the best, have not been allowing me to. I only have this week to get one done or we'll have to re-use one... I really wanted to do a new one for them... hopefully I can find an evening to just sit down and get one done.

I'm pretty damn tired today, my mum's dog kept me up the majority of the night. I hate the Summer time. On the bright side of things I'm putting an official weigh in for a pound lost because between my home scale and Justin's scale I'm at least a "157" now, maybe a "156" but I'll wait for it to show a few more times. It's only one pound but that's certainly alot better then none.

Anyways, I better get to work. I hope everyone had a nice day!
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
71,2 kg 7,7 kg 5,4 kg Raisonnablement Bien
   (5 commentaires) Perdant 0,5 kg par Semaine

16 juillet 2010

Well last night was fairly uneventful after work... I went and got my hair trimmed finally and then I was a good girl and went to the gym... I did a little more then a half work out... I did 9 miles on the elliptical to burned 1,025 calories and then I only did a little weights... remember me telling you guys I started trying to do that "Plank" excerise... well I wasn't really that sore the next day but the day after that and yesterday I have been sore as Hell in my ribs... I usually like to put alot of time into my stomach on the weight machine at the gym but I was only able to do it for a very short time last night because everytime I did it, it felt like someone was stabbing me in the ribs... lol, I guess this is a good thing, it means that "Plank" excersize really helps...

I also got to have a really nice conversation with Justin over the phone on my way to the gym. I was being a girl... you know how "we" girls can be, where we think there's something wrong when there's really nothing wrong... oh yeah, I was pulling one of those... luckly I'm the kind of girl the verbalizes my concern whether it's ridiculous or not... just incase there is something wrong I want the oppertunity to make it right, ya know? But alass, nothing is wrong lol, Justin's just been real busy and stressed out at work this week... at least we have the weekend ahead of us to take his mind off that work stuff :)... and we got some great news last night, the band has another show coming up on the 7th of August, it's going to be at a bar they haven't played at before so I'm going to try to whip a flyer together extra fast so they have a new one to use... I really only have like a week to get it done though so I definitely have my work cut out for me... we're really excited though :) especially me, since clearly I'm their biggest fan, hehe.

So on the naughty side of things... I may have gone to the gym last night but then I was a naughty girl and went to Taco Bell right afterwards, lol... It was incredibly delicious though, very hard to regret since I worked off almost my whole days intake at the gym anyways... depsite my efforts though my weight is holding on super tight to this area between 157 to 160, it's driving me freakin' crazy... I know it's going to be Hell trying to lose the next 15 pounds... I just gotta keep moving forward... I wouldn't give this challenge up for the world... even if my inspiration decided to leave... I'm too inbedded in this now... I have to see that 145... I just hate how much time of my life has to go into it... but this way when zombies take over the world I'll be strong and fast and ready to kick their zombie ass... you can't mess around when it comes to zombies... human eating bastards.

Anyways, tonight on the agenda I'm thrilled to say I'll be seeing Justin later... I'll have to go home after work first to make myself pretty and feed the pets, but then I should be heading to his place for the night... with extra smooth legs ;) lol... maybe depending on what we do tonight I'll see about getting that flyer started...

well anyways, I guess that's about a wrap for now... if I don't get a chance to get on here again till Monday I really hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)

15 juillet 2010

Yikes! I woke up an hour late today >.< Luckily I get to work about an hour early everyday because I'm a psycho and uber paranoid about being late... so I still got here on time, even with a little time to spare actually, but I did have to rush, slapped on some clothes, threw up my hair, fed the pets, and ran kind of thing. Even though I hate to rush, I'm not gonna lie it was so satsifying getting that extra hour of sleep, I REALLY needed it. I originally woke up about 10 minutes before my alarm was going to go off because my dog wanted out... so I let him out and then I went ahead and set my alarm for 10 minutes later then usual, and I guess some where in that process I also turned my alarm off... so that's why it never went off this morning.

Anyways, I had a great night last night. I ended up just driving all the way over to Justin's rather then having us meet in the middle... which was alot nicer in the end because that meant we could ride in the same car over to Chipotle's for dinner. He was exceptionally cute, he played his guitar and sang for a few before we left for dinner... I absolutely love it when he sings, he's so talented.

We had a nice dinner together and then we went to Mike's to watch Eurotrip... and it was kind of cute, I was embarressed because I didn't shave my legs before I came over because I honestly didn't expect that anyone would be touching my leg lol... so I was like "who cares?" but of course Justin chose to touch my leg and was teasing me about them being hairy which led into us playing around on the couch like a couple of kids. He kept trying to pet my leg and I kept trying to stop him, lol... I haven't giggled that much like a girl in awhile... it was totally that cute flirty kind of giggle, where you can't help it just because the boy you like is playing around with you. It was pretty awesome... he better be careful, if I get that much attention from hairy legs I'll never shave again :P hehe just kidding just kidding... of course I want to be silky smooth for him :) I really enjoy moments like that though, ya know... where you just laugh and play around... they're the most memorable.

The drive home was kind of rough because I was pretty tired but it was totally worth it to spend the evening hanging out with Justin. I fed the pets and dropped right into bed.

My hopes for this evening are to get my hair trimmed (because I still haven't done that, lol) and hopefully spend at least a half work out at the gym.

I hope everyone is having a great day!!! :)

14 juillet 2010

Well not much to tell about from yesterday. I went to Applebee's with my friend Tim as usual for Tuesday's dinner, I really dig their salad there. When I got home I had to do a few chores around the house and although I didn't go to the gym I did work on some things I would like to accomplish physically.

You know that thing where you hold your body up in a push up position with your fore-arms on the ground and then you try to suck in your stomach while you're holding your body straight?... Well I really suck at that... my whole body starts to tremble after about 30 seconds of that and I can't really seem to hold myself up for more then a minute before I have to let it drop and try again. I guess I'm not even too sure what parts of the body that excerise even helps strengthens but I imagine it helps a little all over because it's my whole body that trembles from it. I would really like to get to a point where I could hold that position for 5 or even 10 minutes. That seems really far off to me, but it's something I want to practice on a regular basis. '

I also did some squats last night, which by the way I hate... but my legs really need the help, and if I'm not on the elliptical for the night then the least I can do is some squats. I wish I was better at doing crunches and sit ups... my stomach is such a problem area for me, but crunches and sit ups hurt my back... there is this awesome machine at the gym that allows me to do the same excersize but with out the back pains, but I wish there was something I could do for my stomach on nights like last night when I'm just doing a few things at home... something I could throw into my routine every day to help get this beer belly down. Maybe I'll try to google it later.

Anyways, tonight I'm supposed to see Justin after work. I got up early so I could make my hair all pretty for him before work because I don't think I'll be going home before we meet up. We're gonna get some dinner together, some where in the half way point of where we live; because, I have to be home for the animals tonight, so unfortunately I can't just drive all the way over and spend the night. I'm really looking forward to seeing him though and showing him the necklace I made out of his guitar pic. :)

Well I hope everyone has a great day! <3

P.S. posted new picture :)

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