Journal de xtremenergy88

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15 novembre 2021

M4W3D1 - only 10 more pounds to go before I reach 100lbs of weight loss.

Starting weight = 324.2 lbs
Starting measurements:
Arms: 21 inches
Chest: 49 inches
Waist: 52 inches
Hips: 61 inches (estimate)
Thighs: 35 inches

Current weight = 234 lbs
Current measurements:
Arms = 15.5
Chest = 46in
Waist = 40in
Hips = around 56in
Thighs = 22inches

I lost another 10lbs this week, which is awesome! I only have ten left to lose before I reach my initial 100lb weight loss goal! I can barely believe it. I think I will actually be able to get under 200lbs if I stick with this program.

Not too many changes in inches this week, except the thighs have gone back up another 6 inches. I am pretty sure that is pure muscle though because they feel more solid and less squishy. I have been able to fit into size 22/24 jeans easily with room to spare.

I have been playing Pokemon Go for about 4 hours per day all this week as well as last week. I figured out how to check how far I have walked in the app and I average about 4.6km (2.8 miles) per day. I'm trying to increase the distance and reduce the time as well as walk across slightly more demanding terrain (one of the exercise trails around here is set up for playing Pokemon Go and I intend to go there sometime next weekend). I have also convinced my other adult friends to get into the fun as well so I have additional accountability buddies.

Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
106,1 kg 31,3 kg 6,4 kg Raisonnablement Bien
Perdant 4,5 kg par Semaine

08 novembre 2021

M4W2D1 - 80lbs down, baby!

Starting weight = 324.2 lbs
Starting measurements:
Arms: 21 inches
Chest: 49 inches
Waist: 52 inches
Hips: 61 inches (estimate)
Thighs: 35 inches

Current weight = 244 lbs
Current measurements:
Arms = 15.5
Chest = 46in
Waist = 40in
Hips = around 56in
Thighs = 16.5 in

I had to double and triple check the scale this morning to make sure it wasn't broken. I am happy to report it is working just fine.

To be fair, I have been playing Pokemon Go for about 4 hours per day every day this week with my husband and daughter. I just didn't think I was getting that much exercise. I've been logging it as slow walking 2mph because I pause a lot to collect the Pokemon. Maybe I should update it in my exercise log as 3mph walking because that would account for the amount of weigh loss I am seeing this week.

I am still eating like a trash panda, but am trying to keep within 2600 calories per day. I wasn't counting macros this last week, but I am going back to it this week. I will probably update the Vshred app to reflect moderate activity level if I keep playing this game at this rate that way I can have a better idea of what I should be striving to eat instead of just following my body (I do still eat what I want, I just try to tailor it to fit the macros of the day).

NSV - I have officially lost half of the girth of my thighs. I lost 8.5 inches this week alone in that area. I measure in the same area of the thigh every week (about 6 inches above the kneecap while sitting down). I am amazed at how well this diet is working. A few of my close friends and family who have watched me struggle for years with my weight want to know my secrets. 😆

I tell them it's VShred and they look skeptical because they know I have never had long term success with a diet and fitness plan before. This is the longest I have ever been able to stick to a plan and I credit the flexibility of being able to eat what I want (within reason to the macros), and also the support I have received in this community. Y'all are the best, seriously!

Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
110,7 kg 26,8 kg 10,9 kg Raisonnablement Bien
Perdant 8,2 kg par Semaine

01 novembre 2021

M4W1D1 (officially round 2 now) - Happy birthday to me!

I feel proud of my progress so far as I have lost 62lbs. I lost 2 lbs this week, not bad considering it has been filled with less than optimal food choices. Time to start round two of this fitness plan.

If you're on the fence about starting, just do it. You'll be happy you did in the end. The fitness journey is about progress not perfection. I have a long way to go still, but I am excited to be here with all of you. It's been 4 months since I started this program and what they say is true, "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch."

Starting weight = 324.2 lbs
Starting measurements:
Arms: 21 inches
Chest: 49 inches
Waist: 52 inches
Hips: 61 inches (estimate)
Thighs: 35 inches

Current weight = 264 lbs
Current measurements:
Arms = 16in
Chest = 46in
Waist = 40in
Hips = around 56in
Thighs = 25in
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
118,8 kg 18,6 kg 19,1 kg Raisonnablement Bien
Perdant 0,9 kg par Semaine

25 octobre 2021

M3W4D1 - I lost a ton of weight this week which makes very little sense considering that I had my period this week. I guess I could have already lost some of it last week and just had bloating from my cycle.

I'm down 60lbs down since my start! Whoo hoo! So far the majority of my weight loss seems to be stemming from dietary changes. I also am not falling into the same trap I usually do of exercising and then eating everything. (I am trying to be more mindful so whatever exercise I do is more meaningful and has lasting results.) I also found a new fun autumn activity: Pokemon GO! I live pretty close to several parks which serve as gyms and poke stops for the game so I can walk to them to collect supplies and Pokemon in the game.

NSV: the underwear in my weight loss photos for this week are a size 10 (equates to a size 20 pants/dress) and they are baggy. I haven't been able to fit in a size 10 since my daughter was born about 6.5 years ago.

Starting weight = 324.2 lbs
Starting measurements:
Arms: 21 inches
Chest: 49 inches
Waist: 52 inches
Hips: 61 inches (estimate)
Thighs: 35 inches

Current weight = 264 lbs
Current measurements:
Arms = 16.5in
Bust = 46 in
Waist = 40.5 in
Hips = around 56in
Thighs = 25.5 in
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
119,7 kg 17,7 kg 20,0 kg Raisonnablement Bien
Perdant 4,1 kg par Semaine

18 octobre 2021

M3W3D1 - lost 2lbs this week. It's not a huge amount like some of the other weeks, but I am pleased that I am still dropping pounds and inches and that I have not plateaued, even though I have been very sedentary the last month. It just goes to show that carb cycling and food journaling have a positive impact on weight loss.

NSV: I am mostly making better food choices these days. However, when I eat junk, I just track it and move on. I'm not getting in my head about "good" and "bad" foods as much anymore. Ultimately, at the end of the day, they are just vehicles for calories/macros to get into my body.

Starting weight = 324.2 lbs
Starting measurements:
Arms: 21 inches
Chest: 49 inches
Waist: 52 inches
Hips: 61 inches (estimate)
Thighs: 35 inches

Current weight = 273 lbs
Current measurements:
Arms = 16.5in
Bust = 47in
Waist = 40.5 in
Hips = around 57in
Thighs = 26 in
Poids: Perdu jusqu'à présent: Reste à parcourir: Régime suivi:
123,8 kg 13,6 kg 24,0 kg Raisonnablement Bien
Perdant 0,9 kg par Semaine

Historique de poids de xtremenergy88

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